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引用本文:葛常水,欧阳海鹰,杨宁生. 中文数据库水产文献资源分析[J]. 农业图书情报学刊, 2004, 15(1): 89-93
作者姓名:葛常水  欧阳海鹰  杨宁生
摘    要:本文对我国 3个主要中文数据库文献资源以及水产文献收录量进行了统计分析。中国水产科学研究院信息研究中心开发的中国水产文献数据库目前共有记录 5 7196条 ,起始于 1983年。重庆维普资讯有限公司开发研制的中文科技期刊数据库中收录水产类记录 394 4 4条 ,清华同方公司的中国学术期刊光盘数据库收录水产类记录 3592 7条。中国水产文献数据库收录的水产文献量及时间跨度最大 ,是获取水产文献信息的首选数据库。维普库和同方库同样是我国重要的水产文献信息源。这三个数据库在水产文献信息服务中发挥了重要作用。虽然三库存在一定程度的交叉重复 ,但也存在着不同程度的互补性 ,并且在收录期刊和文献方面各具特色

关 键 词:中文水产文献  数据库  信息资源

Resource Analysis on Fishery Literatures in Major Chinese Databases
GE Chang-shui,OUYANG Hai-ying,YANG Ning-sheng. Resource Analysis on Fishery Literatures in Major Chinese Databases[J]. Journal of Library and Information Sciences in Agriculture, 2004, 15(1): 89-93
Authors:GE Chang-shui  OUYANG Hai-ying  YANG Ning-sheng
Abstract:The Paper thoroughly studies 3 Chinese major databases, the Chinese Fishery Literature Database (CFLD), the Chinese Science and Technology Periodical Database (CSTPD) and the Chinese Academic Journals Database (CAJD), on the collection of fishery information CFLD contains total of 5 7196 records dated back to 1 983 and, therefore, it is the considered the most important source of fishery information CSTPD and CAJD, which are relatively later built up, possess fishery records 39 444 and 35 927 respectively Although the 3 databases are somewhat overlapped in terms of the information collected, each has its own characteristic and plays an important role in providing of Chinese fishery information
Keywords:Chinese fishery literature  database  information resource
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