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引用本文:王阳,王文辉,贾晓辉,佟伟,王志华,杨晓龙. 梨不同品种果实冻藏品质性状分析与适宜品种筛选[J]. 中国农业科学, 2017, 50(17): 3400-3412. DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2017.17.014
作者姓名:王阳  王文辉  贾晓辉  佟伟  王志华  杨晓龙
摘    要:【目的】选取梨不同品种果实为研究对象,分析不同品种梨果冻藏后品质指标差异,旨在找出影响冻梨品质的关键指标并筛选出适宜冻藏的梨品种。【方法】分别测定59种梨果实冻藏后的13项品质指标(果皮L*、果肉L*、果肉a*、果肉b*、果肉h值、可溶性固形物(SSC)、可滴定酸(TA)含量、SSC/TA值、出汁率、p H、石细胞含量、乙醇含量、汁液流失率),并进行感官评价。对所测的各项指标进行相关性分析,揭示各指标间的关联程度;运用主成分分析确定影响冻梨品质的关键指标;运用模糊综合评判法中隶属函数值的大小进行排名,筛选适宜冻藏的梨品种。【结果】通过相关性分析得出不同梨品种冻藏后各项指标存在差异,其中果皮L*值与汁液流失率呈显著正相关(P0.05),果肉L*值与果肉a*、b*值呈极显著相关(P0.01),果肉h值与果肉a*值呈极显著负相关(P0.01),SSC、TA、SSC/TA值、出汁率、p H、乙醇含量互相呈显著或极显著相关,石细胞含量与出汁率呈极显著负相关(P0.01),在冻梨各项指标中,果肉L*值、TA含量、SSC/TA、石细胞含量、汁液流失率与感官评价呈极显著相关(P0.01)。主成分分析结果表明,前4个因子特征值均大于0.9,累积贡献率达74.257%。第1主成分口味因子,包含了原始信息量的37.272%,其大小主要由SSC含量、TA含量、p H决定;第2主成分褐变因子,包含了原始信息的19.687%,其大小主要由果肉a*值、果肉h值决定;第3主成分粗糙度因子,包含了原始信息的10.074%,其大小主要由石细胞含量决定;第4主成分外观因子,其大小主要由果皮L*值决定。13个品质指标中有7个指标对前4个因子贡献率最大,包含了所有指标的信息,因此筛选SSC、TA含量、p H、果肉a*值、果肉h值、石细胞含量、果皮L*值、汁液流失率作为评价冻梨的关键指标。模糊综合评判结果表明,以‘尖把梨’‘砂糖梨’‘软儿梨’‘八里香’‘晚三吉’‘白八里香’‘红南果’‘热梨’等梨品种冻藏最优(剔除了石细胞含量过高的品种黄金对麻);以‘香黄’‘红麻槎’‘丰水’‘黄花’‘石井早生’‘晚三吉’‘酥木梨’‘早生赤’‘新梨7号’等品种品质较差,其特点是酸度低、糖度低。通过感官评价得出适宜冻藏的梨果应具备高糖高酸、果肉褐变程度低等特点,这与口味因子的特征和优选品种的性状基本一致。【结论】通过对冻梨指标的分析,综合考虑梨果实的价格、市场占有率等因素,以秋子梨系品种更适宜做冻梨(石细胞含量过高、酸度过低的品种除外)。

关 键 词:冻梨  品质  品种筛选  相关性分析  主成分分析  模糊综合评判

Evaluation of Frozen Fruit Quality of Different Pear Cultivars
WANG Yang,WANG WenHui,JIA XiaoHui,TONG Wei,WANG ZhiHua,YANG XiaoLong. Evaluation of Frozen Fruit Quality of Different Pear Cultivars[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2017, 50(17): 3400-3412. DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2017.17.014
Authors:WANG Yang  WANG WenHui  JIA XiaoHui  TONG Wei  WANG ZhiHua  YANG XiaoLong
Affiliation:Institute of Pomology, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Xingcheng 125100, Liaoning
Abstract:【Objective】 In order to find out the key indicators and select suitable pear cultivars for freezing, different frozen pears were selected as the research objects to analyze their frozen quality. 【Method】 There were 13 quality indicators and sensory evaluation of fifty-nine frozen pear cultivars were evaluated, in which, the quality indicators included peel L*, flesh L*, a*, b*, h, soluble solid content (SSC), titratable acid (TA) content, the ratio of soluble solid content to titration acid content (SSC/TA), juice yield, pH, stone cell content, alcohol content and juice leakage. The correlations of 13 quality indicators and sensory evaluation were analyzed and the principal components analysis (PCA) was used to screen the key indicators. Then the fuzzy evaluation method was used to rank the pear cultivars based on their suitability for frozen.【Result】Correlation analysis showed that considerable variations were found in different frozen quality indicators and sensory evaluation among tested pears. Peel L* showed a positive correlation with juice leakage rate (P<0.05), flesh L* was significantly correlated with flesh a* andb* (P<0.01), and flesh h showed a negative relationship with flesh a* (P<0.01). In addition, the sensory evaluation was significantly correlated with the flesh L*, TA content, SSC/TA, Stone cell content and juice leakage rate (P<0.01). The PCA results showed that the eigenvalues were greater than 0.9 and the cumulative proportion was 74.257% of the first four principal components. The first principal component was named taste factor (TF), it contained 37.272% information of the total amount. TF was mainly determined by SSC content, the TA content and the pH. The second principal component was named browning factor (BF), it contained 19.687% information of the total amount. BF was mainly determined by flesh a* and flesh h. The third principal component was named roughness factor (RF), it contained 10.074% information of the total amount. RF was mainly determined by stone cell content. The fourth principal component was named appearance factor (AF), it contained 7.224% information of the total amount. AF was mainly determined by peel L*. Among the 13 quality indicators, SSC, TA content, pH, flesh a* andh, stone cell content, peel L*, together with juice leakage rate contributed the most, so these seven factors were selected as the key indicators for the evaluation of frozen pear qualities. Based on fuzzy evaluations, the cultivars of Jianbali, Shatangli, Ruan''erli, Balixiang, Okusankichi, Baiba Lixiang, Hongnanguo and Reli were selected as the suitable ones (Huangjin Duima was removed because of its high stone cell content). However, the Xianghuang, Hongmacha, Housui, Huanghua, Lshiiwase, Okusankichi, Sumuli, Waseaka and Xinli No.7 were not suitable cultivars to make frozen pears because of the lower SSC and TA contents. Sensory evaluation indicated that the suitable frozen pears had high SSC and TA content, light browning. This was basically consistent with the results of PCA and fuzzy evaluation. 【Conclusion】Based on the quality evaluation, price and market share of 59 pears cultivars, ussurian pear is selected as the most suitable ones to make frozen pear, except for some cultivars with higher stone cell content and lower TA content.
Keywords:frozen pears  quality  varieties selection  correlation analysis  principal component analysis  fuzzy evaluation
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