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引用本文:彭玉魁,赵锁劳,王波. 陕西省大中城市郊区蔬菜矿质元素及重金属元素含量研究[J]. 西北农业学报, 2002, 11(1): 97-100
作者姓名:彭玉魁  赵锁劳  王波
摘    要:
对陕西省大中城市郊区菜园14类152份蔬菜样品中12种矿质营养元素和5种重金属元素含量分析结果表明:12种矿质营养元素含量水平为钾>钙>钠>磷>镁>铁>锰>锶>锌>硼>钡>铜,各元素含量在不同地区间有较大差异;5种重金属污染在元素在不同地区有含量超标现象,特别是铅含量超标严重,原因是采用污水灌溉及公路 干线汽车尾气造成的污染。

关 键 词:陕西 城市郊区 蔬菜 矿质元素 重金属元素 测定 环境污染

A Research on Mineral Nutrients and Heavy Metal Elements in Vegetables from Suburb of Big or Medium Cities of Shaanxi Province
PENG Yu-kui,ZHAO Suo-lao and WANG Bo. A Research on Mineral Nutrients and Heavy Metal Elements in Vegetables from Suburb of Big or Medium Cities of Shaanxi Province[J]. Acta Agriculturae Boreali-occidentalis Sinica, 2002, 11(1): 97-100
Authors:PENG Yu-kui  ZHAO Suo-lao  WANG Bo
Affiliation:Test Center of Northwest Sci Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry, Yangling Shaanxi 712100, China;Test Center of Northwest Sci Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry, Yangling Shaanxi 712100, China;Test Center of Northwest Sci Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry, Yangling Shaanxi 712100, China
12 kinds of mineral elements(K, Na, Ca,Mg, Cu, Fe,Mn, Zn, Sr, Ba, P, B) and 5 kinds of heavy metal elements (As, Hg, Pb, Cr, Cd) in 152 samples of 14 kinds of vegetables sampled six big cities in Shaanxi Province were measured.The result showed that there were difference in distribution and content of the mineral elements and heavy metals among various vegetables and differen tregions in Shaanxi, and the pollution condition and causes of heavy metals of vegetables in different regions in Shaanxi province were realized.
Keywords:Vegetables  Mineral nutrien telements  Heavy metals  Measurement
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