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Identification of Petunia hybrida cultivars that diurnally emit floral fragrances
Authors:Kiriko Nakamura  Kiyoshi Matsubara  Hitoshi Watanabe  Hisashi Kokubun  Yoshihiro Ueda  Naomi Oyama-Okubo  Masayoshi Nakayama  Toshio Ando
Affiliation:1. Graduate School of Science and Technology, Chiba University, 1-33 Yayoi-cho, Inage-ku, Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture 263-8522, Japan;2. Center of Environment, Health and Field Science, Chiba University, 6-2-1 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa, Chiba Prefecture 277-0882, Japan;3. Department of Genetics and Physiology, National Institute of Floricultural Science, National Agricultural and Bio-oriented Research Organization, 2-1 Fujimoto, Tsukuba, Ibaraki Prefecture 305-8519, Japan;4. Faculty of Horticulture, Chiba University, 648 Matsudo, Matsudo City, Chiba Prefecture 271-8510, Japan
Abstract:In order to identify genetic resources for breeding fragrant petunias for use as bedding plants, volatile compounds released by day from the flowers of 40 commercial Petunia hybrida cultivars were analyzed using a solid-phase micro-extraction technique coupled with GC–MS. The three cultivars with solid deep-blue flowers that accumulate malvidin in corollas with high tissue pH were found to emit abundant iso-eugenol as the principal floral fragrance. Several other cultivars that emitted considerable amounts of methylbenzoate and/or benzylbenzoate from the flower were also identified. Association between the floral fragrance and the other floral traits such as floral anthocyanin composition and corolla-tissue pH was discussed.
Keywords:Benzenoid   Floral fragrance   Petunia
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