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引用本文:秦静,高岚,周伟. 广东省碳汇林经营风险因素分析[J]. 广东农业科学, 2014, 41(12): 200-205
作者姓名:秦静  高岚  周伟
摘    要:在种植碳汇林增加森林碳汇成为当前全球应对气候变化重要途径之一的大背景下,通过阐述广东省碳汇林的经营现状,根据碳汇林营造时期、经营时期以及后期市场交易的特点,将广东省碳汇林经营主体在经营时所面临的风险总结为环境、过程和市场三大类,并加以分析,从而提出了风险控制对策院加大宣传力度,在碳汇林经营中实现经营主体与农户双赢;增加保险投入,加强技术创新;扩充融资渠道,保障碳汇林顺利经营;完善碳汇信息平台,建立健全碳汇市场交易制度。

关 键 词:碳汇林;经营风险;风险控制

Management risk factors of carbon sinkforests in Guangdong province
Abstract:Increasing forest carbon sink has become one of the most important ways to adapt to climate change. Underthis background, the present management situation of carbon sink forests in Guangdong was described. According to thedifferent characteristics during the forestation period, management period and the trading period of the carbon sink forests,the risks faced by the operator were clarified into three categories, environment risk, process risk and market risk.Strategies were put forward after these risks were analyzed. Propaganda of carbon sink forests should be intensified, inorder to achieve the win-win status for the operator of the carbon sink forests and the foresters. The investment of forestryinsurance should be increased, and the innovation of technology should be enhanced. The source of investment should beexpanded in order to ensure the smooth operation of carbon sink forests. The trading information platform and the tradingsystem of the forest carbon sink market should be improved.
Keywords:carbon sink forests   management risk   risk control
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