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引用本文:李海达,吉家曾,郑桂建,刘厚诚,雷炳富. 不同LED补光光源对樱桃番茄产量和品质的影响[J]. 广东农业科学, 2014, 41(14): 37-40
作者姓名:李海达  吉家曾  郑桂建  刘厚诚  雷炳富
摘    要:为研究LED 补光对温室樱桃番茄产量和品质的影响,探讨设施栽培中利用补光手段实现增产和提高品质的调控新途径,以哈金龙樱桃番茄为试验材料,在温室条件下采用LED灯带和LED灯管对定植后樱桃番茄进行侧面补光,光源光通量密度为100μmol/m²·s,每天补光12 h (8:00~20:00),测定分析不同补光处理下樱桃番茄果实产量和品质的变化。结果表明,LED灯管和LED灯带补光处理的樱桃番茄挂果数、总产量和单果重均显著高于对照,且LED灯管处理效果较好,挂果数、总产量和单果重分别提高48.91%、94.86%和30.86%。LED 灯管补光处理能显著提高樱桃番茄果实的品质指标,VC、可溶性蛋白、游离氨基酸、可溶性糖和蔗糖含量均显著高于对照,番茄红素,花色苷、类黄酮和可溶性酚含量均最高,番茄着色最好。

关 键 词:LED补光;樱桃番茄;产量;品质

Effects of different LED light-supplement on the yield and quality of Cherry tomato
Abstract:To explore the responses and their mechanisms of cherry tomato fruit to different light emitting diode (LED)light-supplementin greenhouse, cherry tomato (Lycopersivon esculentum Mill. hajinlong) was planted in greenhouse with 12h (8:00-20:00) of different LED light-supplement (LED tube and LED SMD, natural light as control). The effects of different light qualities on cherry tomato fruit yield and quality were investigated. The results showed that compared with the control, the fruit number, total product and single fruit weight of cherry tomato of two treatments all increased significantly, and the effect of LED tube was better than LED SMD, these three indexes increased by 48.91%, 94.86% and 48.91% respectively. While the treatment of LED tube improved the quality of cherry tomato significantly, the contents ofVC, soluble protein,free amino acid, soluble sugar and sucrose had been obviously enhanced in the LED tube treatment. The lycopene, anthocyanins, flavonoids and soluble phenolic content were the highest, under the LED tube treatment.
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