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喀斯特石漠化12 种石生藓类茎的比较解剖学研究
引用本文:张显强,孙敏. 喀斯特石漠化12 种石生藓类茎的比较解剖学研究[J]. 广东农业科学, 2013, 40(7): 165-169
作者姓名:张显强  孙敏
摘    要:利用石蜡切片法对岩溶石漠化石面12 种不同小生境的藓类植物茎进行比较解剖学研究。结果表明:12种石生藓类茎的形状、表皮毛、中轴有无和形状以及所占比例等特征因种类不同而存在差异。12 种石生藓类茎的解剖结构表现出表皮细胞排列紧密、细胞壁强烈增厚或增厚明显,1~2 层不等,以1 层居多,较多种类具有向外突起伸长形成多细胞腺体;除沼生真藓未见明显的内外皮层分化外,其余11 种藓类均有内外皮层的分化,外皮部细胞胞壁增厚明显;除小胞仙鹤藓(Atrichum undulatum)和真藓(Bryum argenteum)有明显的中轴分化外,其余8 种石生藓类分化不明显,而短叶小石藓(Weisin semipallida C. Muell.)和穗枝赤齿藓(Erythrodontium julaceum)茎无中轴的分化。说明喀斯特石漠化地区石生藓类对水分吸收和传导以外导水型为主,混合导水型为辅。因此,石生藓类茎的解剖结构特征能反映所处的环境,具有重要的生态适应意义。

关 键 词:喀斯特石漠化;石生藓类;形态解剖;旱生环境

Comparative anatomy of stems of 12 species of saxicolous mosses in Guizhou karst rock desertification areas
Abstract:Through paraffin wax section, the comparative morphological anatomy of 12 saxicolous mosses stems in different environments of karst rock desertification areas were studied. The results showed that, the stems of 12 saxicolousmosses were different on stem shape, epidermis, existence or inexistence and the scale of the mainaxis of stems variedhighly. The tightly arrayed epidermis in their stem, the distinctly thickened cellwalls in epidermis were found in xericsaxicolous mosses, the majority had one cell-layer. More types were outward protruding extension and formed cells glands.Besides Bryum knowltonii internal and external cortex of other 11 kinds of mosses had differentiation between inner andouter cortex and cell wall thickening of the epidermis. The B. argenteum and Atrichum undulatum had the mainaxis ofdifferentiation, the differentiation of the remaining 8 species of saxicolous mosses was not very obvious. However, themainaxis of Weisin semipallida C. Muell. and Erythrodontium julaceum were not differentiation, which indicated that wateruptake and conduction of saxicolous mosses in karst areas was the ectohydric based and mixohydric supplemented.Therefore, the anatomical structure of saxicolous mosses stems in the xerophytic environment has important ecologicalsignificance of adaptation.
Keywords:karst rock desertification   saxicolous mosses   morphological anatomy   xeric environment
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