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引用本文:陈建军,夏本安. 湖南桂东三台山种子植物区系研究[J]. 湖南林业科技, 2013, 0(3): 48-54
作者姓名:陈建军  夏本安
作者单位:[1]桂东县林业局,湖南桂东423500 [2]湖南省林业调查规划设汁院,湖南长沙410007
摘    要:采用线路调查、样地调查和查阅相关资料文献相结合的方法,对湖南省桂东县三台山种子植物区系进行研究。结果表明:三台山共有维管束植物183科、688属、1307种,其中种子植物162科、656属、1233种,占湖南全省种子植物种数的19.81%。除栽培或逸生植物外,该地共有野生种子植物149科585属1095种。野生种子植物中科有10个分布型,属有14个分布型,种有14个分布型,分布型组成较复杂;除世界广布型(1分布型)外,热带成分(2~7型)科、属、种占总科、属、种数的比例分别是44.96%、41.71%、23.38%;温带成分(8-14型)科、属、种的比例分别为25.50%、47.51%、39.90%;中国特有分布型(15分布型)大部分可归类为温带性质;种子植物区系中有10个中国特有属和373种中国特有种,这些属和种与华东、华中、华南等地区联系广泛;种子植物区系具有中亚热带向南亚热带过渡的特点,其中华南特有分布植物,尤其南岭山地特有分布的植物种类较多。

关 键 词:三台山  种子植物  植物区系

The flora of seed plants in Guidong Santaishan of Hunan
CHEN Jianjun,XIA Benan. The flora of seed plants in Guidong Santaishan of Hunan[J]. Hunan Forestry Science & Technology, 2013, 0(3): 48-54
Authors:CHEN Jianjun  XIA Benan
Affiliation:1.Forestry Bureau of Guidong County, Guidong 423500, China; 2.Institute of Hunan Forestry Survey and Design, Changsha 410007, China)
Abstract:Based on the field and plot investigation combined with consulting relevant documents, the flora of seed plants in Guidong Santaishan of Hunan was studied. The results showed that, there were 183 families, 688 genera and l 307 species of vascular plants, of which seed plant were'162 families, 656 genera and 1 233 species in Santaishan, accounted for 19.81% of the total species of seed plant in Hunan. Except for cultivated plant or escape plant, there were 149 families, 585 genera and 1 095 species of wild seed plant. The composition of distribution type of wild seed plant was relatively complex that the family with 10 distribution types, the genera with 14 distribution types and the species with 14 distribution types. Except for widespread elements, the families, genera and species of tropical elements accounted for 44.96%, 41.71% and 23.38% in total families, genera and species respectively, and the families, genera and species of temperate elements were 25.50%, 47.51% and 39.90% respectively. The most of China special distribution type belonged to the temperate zone property. In tbe flora of seed plants, there were 10 China special genera and 373 China special species, which had a large connection with the areas of East-China, Central China and South - China. The flora of seed plants had the characteristic of transition from central subtropical to south subtropical, and there were a large number of South-China special plant species, especially the Naulingshandi special plant species.
Keywords:Santaishan  seed plant  flora
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