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引用本文:何丽斯,夏冰,孟祥静,王春燕,彭峰,汪仁. 茉莉对自然降温的生理生化响应[J]. 南京农业大学学报, 2010, 33(6)
作者姓名:何丽斯  夏冰  孟祥静  王春燕  彭峰  汪仁
作者单位:1. 南京农业大学园艺学院,江苏,南京,210095
2. 江苏省中国科学院植物研究所,江苏,南京,210014
摘    要:以单、复瓣茉莉2年生扦插苗为材料,研究其在2009年南京地区秋冬自然降温过程中低温胁迫所造成的冷害指数变化及多个抗寒生理生化指标的特性。结果表明:在自然降温条件下,单、复瓣茉莉的冷害指数、相对电导率、硫代巴比妥酸反应物含量、脯氨酸含量均显著上升,可溶性蛋白含量先上升后下降;单、复瓣茉莉的超氧化物歧化酶活性呈现先升高后降低的趋势,于11月17日达到最大值,分别为8.04和12.45U·g-1·min-1,过氧化物酶活性于12月20日达到最大值,复瓣茉莉是单瓣茉莉的3.28倍;两栽培品种的根系活力均呈下降趋势。在本试验多次降温过程中复瓣茉莉的耐寒能力略强于单瓣茉莉,复瓣茉莉抗氧化酶活性表现最为突出。

关 键 词:茉莉  自然降温  低温胁迫  抗寒指标  

Physiological and biochemical responses of Jasminum sambac L.under natural temperature reduction
HE Li-si,XIA Bing,MENG Xiang-jing,WANG Chun-yan,PENG Feng,WANG Ren. Physiological and biochemical responses of Jasminum sambac L.under natural temperature reduction[J]. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University, 2010, 33(6)
Authors:HE Li-si  XIA Bing  MENG Xiang-jing  WANG Chun-yan  PENG Feng  WANG Ren
Affiliation:HE Li-si1,XIA Bing2,MENG Xiang-jing2,WANG Chun-yan2,PENG Feng2,WANG Ren2 (1. College of Horticulture,Nanjing Agricultural University,Nanjing 210095,China,2. Institute of Botany,Jiangsu Province and Chinese Academy of Sciences,Nanjing 210014,China)
Abstract:The chilling injury parameter and seven kinds of physiological and biochemical parameters of chilling-tolerance were investigated in the 2-year-old cuttings of two cultivars of Jasminum sambac L. ( single petal jasmine and double petal jasmine) ,under the condition of natural cooling in 2009 year,Nanjing City. The results showed that the chilling injury index,the relative elec-trolyte leakage,the thiobarbituric acid reactive substances content,and proline content increased significantly; the soluble protein...
Keywords:Jasminum sambac L.  natural temperature reduction  chilling stress  cold resistance indexes  
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