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引用本文:姚崇仁. 对节水灌溉的再思考[J]. 灌溉排水学报, 1993, 0(1)
摘    要:华北地区农田灌溉的节水潜力问题,在“七五”期间对其研究过程中存在着两种截然不同的观点。一种观点认为灌溉水资源在地区内利用率已相当高,节水潜力有限,另一种观点认为由于灌区内的设施年久失修,灌溉输水过程中存在着严重的水量损失现象,且灌水定额控制不严,大水漫灌时有发生,因此农田灌溉节水大有潜力可挖。本文通过对节水潜力进行分析,初步提出了农田灌溉节水潜力的计算方法,指出了节水措施的有限性和制定节水灌溉措施规划的重要性。文章最后提出了当前急需认真研究的与此有关的几个问题,并就这些问题谈了自已的看法。

关 键 词:节水灌溉  节水潜力  节水灌溉规划  水资源

About the Water-Saving Irrigation
Yao Chongren. About the Water-Saving Irrigation[J]. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage, 1993, 0(1)
Authors:Yao Chongren
Abstract:There are two different points of view about the water -saving potentiality of farmland irrigation in Northern China. The first point of view is that the water quantity could be saved by means of some water-saving measures is small because the utilization ratio of water resources is high in this region. The second point of view is that a large quantity of water can be saved because of the exist of ,huge amount of water loss during delivery and occasionally flood irrigation,caused by aging of irrigation facilities. Through the analysis on water - saving potentiality ,the method of its estimation has been worked out. And it is indicated that the water -saving potentiality are not limitless and it is very important to have a plan in taking water -saving measures. In addition, several topics related to developing water -saving irrigation and needed to be studied urgently have been pointed out. Arguments from the author about theese topics are given as well.
Keywords:Water-saving irrigation Water-saving potentiality Planning of water-saving irrigation Water resources  
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