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Effect of Inoculation Rhizobium and Response of Soybean-Rhizobium System to Insoluble Phosphate
Authors:Li Xiu-ping  Chen Shu-zhen  Zhang Yan-lai  Cheng Yan-bo  Nian Hai
Abstract:In order to produce efficiently symbiotic system in acid soils which could be used for the recovery of insoluble phosphate soil and improvement of the fertility,etc.,host range of Rhizobium was isolated from the root nodules of wild and cultivated soybean varieties growing in south China,evaluated the effects of Rhizobium on enhance nitrogen fixing activities,phosphorus(P),nitrogen (N)uptakes,growth and yield of soybean under pot and field conditions.The results showed that combined Rhizobium inoculation was more effective than individual Rhizobium inoculation. The combined Rhizobium of CW54 strains had the highest effect, nodule number, nodule weight and nodule nitrogenase activity were markedly stimulated as compared to those of the control U110, respectively. The nitrogen contents in the plants treated with CW54 strains were significantly increased by 43.2% as compared to those of the control U110 in Al-P soil, but statistical significance was not observed in Fe-P soil. By contrast, inoculation with CW54 significantly enhanced phosphorus uptake of plant in Fe-P soil than that in Al-P soil. The effects of inoculation of CW54 strains in a field condition were similar to those of in a pot condition. The total biomass and yield in the plants treated with CW54 strains were significantly increased by 86.4% and 51.4% as compared to those of the control at the time of soybean podding in a field condition, respectively.These results suggested that inoculation Rhizobium was beneficial for soybean nutrient uptake,growth and yield under insoluble phosphate soil conditions.
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