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引用本文:张静,龙新华,韩长杰,袁盼盼,高杰. 机械驱动式辣椒穴盘苗自动取投苗系统设计与试验[J]. 农业工程学报, 2021, 37(5): 20-30
作者姓名:张静  龙新华  韩长杰  袁盼盼  高杰
作者单位:新疆农业大学机电工程学院,乌鲁木齐 830052;新疆中收农牧机械有限公司,乌鲁木齐 830052
摘    要:针对目前半自动移栽机人工取投苗劳动强度大、工作效率低,控制系统复杂等问题,该研究结合当前新疆穴盘苗移栽作业模式和农艺要求,模仿人工取喂苗的方式设计了一种机械驱动式辣椒穴盘苗自动取投苗系统。该自动取投苗系统由地轮提供动力,通过穴盘进给装置的横向送苗驱动机构和纵向送苗驱动机构驱动穴盘横向、纵向准确移位,实现128穴整盘穴盘苗的自动进给,通过机械取投苗装置实现穴盘苗的自动取投。根据"己"字型穴盘进给方案和机械手取投苗轨迹与姿态要求,确定了机械取投苗装置偏转驱动机构和拔取驱动机构各构件的尺寸参数,构建了机械自动取投苗机构驱动装置的运动学模型,分析得出机械手末端位移、速度、加速度方程以及偏转、拔取驱动装置的主要参数和运动规律。为验证该系统的作业性能,利用Solidworks软件对机械手取投苗轨迹和运动规律进行仿真分析,选取苗龄60d、基质含水率24.61%~31.57%的辣椒穴盘苗进行室内样机穴盘进给位移可靠性试验和取投苗试验。试验结果表明,机械手仿真运动轨迹满足设计要求;穴盘纵向和横向进给位移与理论偏差小于1 mm,满足穴盘进给装置的供苗要求;在取投苗速度64~88株/min范围内,随着取苗速度的增加,取苗成功率、投苗成功率先增大后减少,输苗成功率总体波动较小,取投苗总成功率先增大后减少,取投苗速度80株/min时效果最佳,此时系统平均取投苗总成功率、取苗成功率、投苗成功率、输苗成功率分别为92.54%、92.93%、99.57%和100.00%,作业过程中无伤苗情况,满足穴高45 mm的辣椒穴盘苗栽植前自动进给穴盘苗、取投苗、输苗等作业要求。研究结果可为后续机械式自动穴盘移栽机的设计提供参考。

关 键 词:农业机械  试验  移栽  穴盘苗  机械驱动  自动取投苗  辣椒

Design and experiments of mechanically-driven automatic taking and throwing system for chili plug seedlings
Zhang Jing,Long Xinhu,Han Changjie,Yuan Panpan,Gao Jie. Design and experiments of mechanically-driven automatic taking and throwing system for chili plug seedlings[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2021, 37(5): 20-30
Authors:Zhang Jing  Long Xinhu  Han Changjie  Yuan Panpan  Gao Jie
Affiliation:1. College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi 830052, China;; 2. Xinjiang Zhongshou Agriculture &Animal Husbandry Machinery Co., Ltd. Urumqi 830052, China;
Abstract:Manual handling of plug seedling has significantly confined the mechanized planting in previous semi-automatic transplanting machines. It is necessary to update the current complex control system with high labor intensity and low work efficiency. In this study, a mechanically- driven system with automatic picking and throwing for plug seedling was developed, combining the latest transplanting mode of plug seedling and agronomic requirements in Xinjiang Region, China. Two devices were designed, including the tray feeding device as well as the mechanical seedlings taking and throwing device. The new system was mainly composed of power transmission subsystem, tray feeding, mechanical seedlings taking/throwing, and conveying device. The horizontal and vertical seedling driving mechanism was used for the tray feeding device to drive the plug for the automatic feeding and taking of 128-hole plug seedlings. The driven power was from the ground wheel. Moreover, the mechanical transmission was realized through the deflection/picking cam driving mechanism and the manipulator. The trajectory and posture of the manipulator were set in the "Z"-shaped plug feeding plan for taking and throwing seedlings. The dimensional relationship of the deflection/taking driving mechanism was determined for the mechanical seedlings taking and throwing device. A kinematics model was constructed for the driving device in the mechanical seedling taking and feeding mechanism. The main parameters were analyzed, including the end displacement, velocity, acceleration of manipulator, and motion equations of deflection and extraction drive device. SolidWorks software was used to simulate the trajectory and motion of the seedling, in order to verify the performance of the system. The transplanting objects were selected as the pepper plug seedlings with a 60-day seedling age and a substrate moisture content of 24.61% to 31.57%. A displacement reliability test of hole-plate feeding and an experiment indoor were carried out to determine the main technical parameters, and thereby to evaluate the indicators of performance. The standard of "dry land planting machinery" was used to describe the planting performance of clamp- and hanging-cup type transplanter. Test results showed that the motion track of the manipulator reached the design requirements, where the deviation was less than 1 mm for the simulated distance between the longitudinal and transverse displacements of hole-plate feeding, compared with the theoretical value. The coefficient of variation was less than 3%, suitable for the requirements of seedling supply in the hole-plate feeding device. The seedlings taking and throwing system realized various actions, according to the design requirements. There was a significant impact of seedlings taking rate on the success rate in the range of 62~88 plants/min. Specifically, the success rate of seedlings taking and throwing increased first and then decreased, with the increase of seedlings taking rate. The total success rate of seedlings taking and throwing first increase and then decrease, and the overall success rate of seedling transplantation fluctuated slightly. The best performance was achieved at the taking rate of 80 plants/min, where the average values of the total success rate of seedlings taking and throwing, the success rate seedlings takign, the success rate of seedlings throwing, and the success rate of seedling transplantation were 92.54%, 92.93%, 99.57%, and 100.00%, respectively. The dispersion degree of each success rate index was small, and there was no damage to the seedlings during the process. In addition, the indicators were in agreement with the specified values of planting performance in the mechanical industry standard. The planting frequency and qualification rate were higher than 35 plants/min and 90%, respectively. The missed taking rate and seedling damage rate were lower than 5%. These results further demonstrated that the developed system met the demands of automatic feeding of plug seedlings, taking and throwing seedlings, as well as seedling delivery before planting pepper plug seedlings with a hole height of 45 mm, together with the feasibility and reliability of the access system. The findings can provide a potential reference to design the follow-up mechanical automatic plug transplanter.
Keywords:agricultural machinery   experiments   transplanting   plug seedling   mechanical driven   automatic seedlings taking and throwing   chili
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