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引用本文:陈月英 沈智华. 淡水鲳对九种常用鱼药的敏感性试验[J]. 水产养殖, 1992, 0(1): 19-22
作者姓名:陈月英 沈智华
作者单位:浙江省淡水水产研究所,浙江省淡水水产研究所,浙江省淡水水产研究所 湖州 313001,湖州 313001,湖州 313001
摘    要:本文报告了敌百虫、孔雀石绿、硝酸亚汞、漂白粉、呋喃唑酮、生石灰和食盐等常用鱼药对淡水鲳的安金浓度依次为0.028ppm、0.0312ppm、0.0865ppm、0.699ppm、16.22 ppm、19.5 ppm、1040 ppm。淡水鲳分别在亚甲基蓝2.1 ppm,硫酸铜硫酸亚铁合剂(5∶2)5.6ppm药液中浸浴240小时,未见异常反应。

关 键 词:淡水鲳 鱼药 敏感性

A test ofthe sensitivity of Colossoma brachypomum to 9 common fish medicaments
Chen Yueying,Shen Zhihua,Ye Shengzhong. A test ofthe sensitivity of Colossoma brachypomum to 9 common fish medicaments[J]. Journal of Aquaculture, 1992, 0(1): 19-22
Authors:Chen Yueying  Shen Zhihua  Ye Shengzhong
Abstract:This paper deals with the sensitivity of Colossoma brachypomnm to 9 common fish medicameats. The experimental results showed that the safe concentrations for dipterex, malachite green, mercurous nitrate, bleaching powder, furazolidone. quicklime, common salt were 0.028ppm, 0.0312 ppm, 0.0865 ppm, 0.699 ppm, 16.22 ppm, 19.5 ppm, 1040 ppm. Abnormal behaviour was not found when Colossoma brachypomura were immersed in the solution of methylene blue of 2.1 ppm concentration and the mixture of copper sulphate and ferrous sulphate (ratio 5: 2)of 5.6 ppm concentration respectively for 240 hours.
Keywords:Colossoma brachypomum Fish medicament Sensitivity
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