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引用本文:于海业,罗瀚,任顺,隋媛媛. ZigBee技术在精准农业上的应用进展与展望[J]. 农机化研究, 2012, 34(8): 1-6
作者姓名:于海业  罗瀚  任顺  隋媛媛
摘    要:ZigBee技术是一种新型的无线网络技术,在精准农业的应用方面,与其他无线网络技术相比,ZigBee技术有着较大的优势。为此,对ZigBee技术的基础与特点做了简介,并对ZigBee技术在精准农业上的应用进展进行了分类阐述,其中包括总体结构的完善、协议栈的更新、数据处理模块的集成化、传感器的多样化、传输距离的延伸和供电设备及上位机软件等;举例描述了ZigBee技术在农业信息采集系统、温室环境监测系统及精准灌溉系统上的应用;最后,对ZigBee技术在精准农业上的发展进行了展望,并提出了发展建议。

关 键 词:精准农业  ZigBee技术  应用进展  展望

Application Progress and Prospect of ZigBee Technology in Precision Agriculture
Yu Haiye , Luo Han , Ren Shun , Sui Yuanyuan. Application Progress and Prospect of ZigBee Technology in Precision Agriculture[J]. Journal of Agricultural Mechanization Research, 2012, 34(8): 1-6
Authors:Yu Haiye    Luo Han    Ren Shun    Sui Yuanyuan
Affiliation:(Jilin University,School of Biological and Agricultural Engineering,Changchun 130025,China)
Abstract:ZigBee technology is a new wireless network technology.In precision agricultural application,compared with other wireless network technology,ZigBee technology has a great advantage.Based on the ZigBee technology basics and characteristics are briefly introduced in the paper,and the recent ZigBee technology in precision agriculture development are discussed in detail.Including the overall structure,protocol stack update,the data processing module integration,sensor diversification,the extension of transmission distance,power supply equipment,PC software.Example describes the ZigBee technology applications in precision agreculture.Including agriculture information collection system,greenhouse environmental monitoring system,precision irrigation systems.Finally,ZigBee technology in precision agriculture on the prospect of development,put forward development proposals
Keywords:precision agricultural  Zigbee  application progress  prospect
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