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引用本文:郑颖姹,钮羽群,崔桂玲,周宁宁,张新亭,王梦馨,崔林,郑雨婷,韩宝瑜. 秋末苏南茶园昆虫的群落组成及其趋色性[J]. 勤云标准版测试, 2013, 33(16): 5017-5025
作者姓名:郑颖姹  钮羽群  崔桂玲  周宁宁  张新亭  王梦馨  崔林  郑雨婷  韩宝瑜
基金项目:国家863课题(2012AA10A508);国家自然科学基金课题(31071744);荷兰国际合作项目(SOL 2010/714);浙江省科技计划项目(2011C22046)
摘    要:
苏南地区名茶荟萃,而虫害历来较为严重。秋末选丹阳市一片无公害茶园,使用纯白、桃红、墨绿、果绿、湖蓝、天蓝、素馨黄、芽绿、土黄、桔黄、大红和紫色12种粘性色板诱虫。结果表明:① 4日内捕获7目42科85种30455头昆虫,其中优势类群是同翅目、膜翅目和双翅目,三者个体数分别占总个体数的86.5%、8.8%和2.5%。②主要害虫是假眼小绿叶蝉和茶蚜,分别占总个体数的15%和71.5%。③ 捕获的中华蜜蜂占总个体数8.2%。④捕获天敌昆虫1034头,其中,瓢虫类32头,占3.1%,主要种类是异色瓢虫和黄斑盘瓢虫;草蛉类582头,占56.3%,包括中华草蛉、大草蛉和丽草蛉;伞裙追寄蝇和蚕饰腹寄蝇等5种寄生蝇类111头,占10.7%;门氏食蚜蝇和黑带食蚜蝇等7种食蚜蝇类110头,占10.6%;螟蛉瘤姬蜂和花胸姬蜂等5种姬蜂类、茶尺蠖绒茧蜂和单白绵绒茧蜂等7种茧蜂类个体数分别占3.9%和9.4%。⑤ 芽绿、素馨黄和桔黄色板显著地引诱假眼小绿叶蝉和茶蚜;芽绿、素馨黄色板显著地引诱姬蜂和茧蜂;芽绿、土黄和果绿色板明显地引诱草蛉类;果绿、天蓝和紫色色板引诱较多的蝇类和蚊类等双翅目昆虫;素馨黄引诱的各类昆虫种数最多;纯白板上各类昆虫的多样性指数最大,表明其对许多昆虫都有引诱效应。秋末时节查明即将越冬的害虫和天敌昆虫种类、数量和益害比、以及优势种害虫和优势种天敌数量,探明多种色彩引诱益、害虫的差异,对于有效实施无公害封园防治,以压低越冬基数有重要意义。

关 键 词:秋末  苏南  茶园  昆虫群落  茶蚜  假眼小绿叶蝉  趋色性

Community composition and phototaxis of insects in tea plantations in Southern Jiangshu Province during late fall
ZHENG Yingch,NIU Yuqun,CUI Guiling,ZHOU Ningning,ZHANG Xinting,WANG Mengxin,CUI Lin,ZHENG Yuting and HAN Baoyu. Community composition and phototaxis of insects in tea plantations in Southern Jiangshu Province during late fall[J]. , 2013, 33(16): 5017-5025
Authors:ZHENG Yingch  NIU Yuqun  CUI Guiling  ZHOU Ningning  ZHANG Xinting  WANG Mengxin  CUI Lin  ZHENG Yuting  HAN Baoyu
There are many top-quality, prestigious teas cultivated and processed in the Southern Jiangshu Province, China; however, serious damages to tea plants caused by various pests occur frequently in the region. In order to better understand the insect community structures and their phototaxis, we tested 12 colors (pure white, peach red, dark green, apple green, lake blue, sky blue, jasmine yellow, bud green, earth yellow, orange, bright red and purple) of sticky plates in a non-pollution tea plantation at Danyang City during late fall in 2012. The trapping results showed that: 1) within the 4 days trapping period, in total of 30455 individuals of 85 insect species belonged to 7 orders were caught, with Homoptera (86.5% of total individuals) being the most dominant order group, followed by Hymenoptera (8.8%) and Diptera (2.5%); 2) the tea aphid and the tea green leafhopper were the two most dominant pest insect species, accounting for 71.5% and 15% of the total individuals, respectively; 3) the Chinese honey bees were the major beneficial insects captured, accounting for 8.2% of the total individuals; 4) in addition, a total of 1034 individuals of other beneficial insects (natural enemies) were caught, including 582 green lacewings (e.g. Chrysopa sinica Tjedea, Chrysopa septempunctata Wesmeal and Chrysopa formosa Branar), 111 tachinids (Exorista civilis Rondani, Crossocosmia zebina Walk, Exorista sorbillans Wiedemann, plus three other species), 110 hoverflies (Sphaerophoria menthastri L., Syrphus balteatus De Geer, Syrphus corolla F., Paraqus guadifasciatus Meigen, Syrphus serarius Wiedemann, Leucopis puncticornis Meigen plus two other species), 97 braconids with Apanteles spp. being the dominant species, 40 ichneumons (Itoplectis naranyae (Ashmead), Gotra octocinctus (Ashmead) and other three species) and 32 ladybeetles with Leis axyridis (Pallas) and Coelophora saucia Mulsant being the major species. 5) Bud green, jasmine yellow and orange sticky plates captured significantly higher numbers of the tea green leafhoppers and the tea aphids; bud green and jasmine yellow sticky plates were also strongly attractive to ichneumons and braconids; bud green, earth yellow and apple green sticky plates attracted lacewings; apple green, sky blue and purple sticky plates trapped many flies and mosquitoes. The numbers of insect species captured were highest on the Jasmine yellow sticky plates, whereas the highest diversity index of various groups of trapped insects was detected on the pure white plates, indicating its broad generic attraction to diverse groups of insects. In late fall, knowing the species richness and the abundance of overwintering pest and beneficial insects, the beneficial/pest ratios, and the dominant pest and beneficial insect species and their population levels, as well as their differential phototaxis behaviors would help tea farmers better preparing and executing their environmentally safe pest control measures for efficiently reducing overwintering pest population density, before the field season is over.
Keywords:late fall  the southern Jiangsu Province  insect community  tea plantation  tea aphid  tea green leafhopper  insect phototaxis
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