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引用本文:高庆华,孟义江,张萃,贾盟,刘钊,侯明明,金德敏,李雪姣,牛东东. 玉米低植酸自交系的鉴定及其连锁分子标记的初步筛选[J]. 作物学报, 2013, 39(5): 935-942. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2013.00935
作者姓名:高庆华  孟义江  张萃  贾盟  刘钊  侯明明  金德敏  李雪姣  牛东东
作者单位:1 河北农业大学生命科学学院,河北保定071000;2 中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所,北京100101
摘    要:降低玉米植酸含量对于改善玉米营养品质具有重要的意义,挖掘低植酸玉米种质,培育低植酸品种是一种有效降低植酸的途径。在前期工作中,我们筛选获得并初步鉴定了1个低植酸的玉米自交系齐319。本研究进一步鉴定了该自交系的植酸含量,发现它仅为常规玉米自交系的1/4左右,田间发现,其发芽率略低,但发芽后的植株生长正常,进而利用齐319与Lpa241杂交获得F2群体,分析表明F2群体的植酸含量呈现分离, 符合3∶1比例, 确定该性状受隐性单基因控制,在此基础上,初步筛选了与低植酸性状连锁的分子标记,发现第2染色体长臂上的2个标记(IDP7818和IDP7635)与低植酸性状连锁。这一工作为分子标记辅助的玉米低植酸育种奠定了基础。

关 键 词:玉米  低植酸  标记辅助的选择育种  分子标记  F2分离群体

Identification of Low Phytic Acid in a Maize Inbred Line and Primary Screening of Its Molecular Markers
GAO Qing-Hua,MENG Yi-Jiang,ZHANG Cui,JIA Meng,LIU Zhao,HOU Ming-Ming,JIN De-Min,LI Xue-Jiao,NIU Dong-Dong,MIAO Liu-Yang,GUO Le-Qun,DOU Shi-Juan,LIU Li-Juan,LI Li-Yun,ZHAI Wen-Xue,LIU Guo-Zhen. Identification of Low Phytic Acid in a Maize Inbred Line and Primary Screening of Its Molecular Markers[J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2013, 39(5): 935-942. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2013.00935
Authors:GAO Qing-Hua  MENG Yi-Jiang  ZHANG Cui  JIA Meng  LIU Zhao  HOU Ming-Ming  JIN De-Min  LI Xue-Jiao  NIU Dong-Dong  MIAO Liu-Yang  GUO Le-Qun  DOU Shi-Juan  LIU Li-Juan  LI Li-Yun  ZHAI Wen-Xue  LIU Guo-Zhen
Affiliation:1.College of Life Sciences, Agricultural University of Hebei, Baoding 071000, China;2.Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
Abstract:Reducing the content of phytic acid (PA, myo-inositol-1,2,3,4,5,6-hexakis phosphate) is important for improving the nutritional value of maize (Zea mays L.). The identification and application of low phytic acid (lpa) maize germplasm is an economical and effective approach in breeding program. In our previous study, Qi319 was identified as a low phytic acid inbred line. In this study, we found that the content of phytic acid phosphorus in Qi319 kernels is about one fourth of normal maize inbred lines based on quantitative analysis. The characterization of agronomic traits revealed that the germination rate of Qi319 was 75.5%, lower than that of normal inbred lines, however, Qi319 plants grew normally in the field. F2 population was generated by crossing between Qi319 and Lpa241, segregation was found for the content of phytic acid among F2 populations. The segregation ratio of 3:1 confirmed that the lpa trait was determined by a single recessive gene. We then identified two molecular markers (IDP7818 and IDP7635) located on the long arm of chromosome 2 that were co-segregated with low phytic acid loci. This result provides a fundamental basis for marker-assisted maize lpa selection process.
Keywords:Maize  Low phytic acid  Marker-assisted selection breeding  Molecular marker  F2 population
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