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引用本文:伍惠,钟喆栋,樊伟,彭亚齐,杜思,陈大松,王学路,李友国. 8株优良大豆根瘤菌与不同地区27个大豆主栽品种的匹配性研究[J]. 大豆科学, 2017, 36(3). DOI: 10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2017.03.0405
作者姓名:伍惠  钟喆栋  樊伟  彭亚齐  杜思  陈大松  王学路  李友国
摘    要:大豆是我国重要的油料作物和高蛋白粮饲兼用作物,具有与根瘤菌共生固氮的能力。近十几年来,我国大豆品种更新快,导致大豆根瘤菌株与新品种匹配能力差、接种效果不明显。筛选与主栽大豆品种匹配性好、固氮效率高的广谱性优良菌株,可为针对性的施用大豆根瘤菌接种剂提供菌种资源和方案。选取本实验室前期分离保存的6个优良快生型大豆根瘤菌株和2个慢生型大豆根瘤菌株,在砂培盆栽条件下与不同地区的27个大豆主栽品种进行匹配试验。测定分析了植株地上部分生物量、高度、根瘤数量、根瘤生物量和根瘤固氮酶活指标。结果表明:不同大豆根瘤菌之间结瘤固氮能力存在极显著的差异;供试根瘤菌均能够与国内24个大豆品种结瘤,广谱性较好;植株地上部分高度、根瘤数量、根瘤生物量和根瘤固氮酶活与地上部分生物量呈显著相关;大部分接种根瘤菌后的植物生物量显著高于CK;HN01、GR3、HH29、HH103匹配性和固氮效率均不逊色于USDA110,具有在东北地区、黄淮海地区、长江流域、东南地区推广的潜能;从品种来看,中豆39、BD2、天隆1号与8株供试大豆根瘤菌的匹配接种表现出高生物量特点。此外,本文还筛选出大豆-大豆根瘤菌的表型最佳匹配组合中豆39-GR3,适合长江流域地区;同样筛选到东北地区、黄淮海地区、东南地区最佳匹配组合,分别是HN01-辽豆14、HN01-徐豆14、HN01-BD2。本文初步建立了优良根瘤菌与大豆主栽品种的匹配关系,为在田间试验中进一步筛选和应用这些优良菌株提供了材料和指导。

关 键 词:优良大豆根瘤菌  大豆  主栽品种  匹配性  共生固氮作用

Symbiotic Compatibility Among Eight Elite Soybean Rhizobia Strains and Twenty-seven Soybean Cultivars from Different Planting Regions
WU Hui,ZHONG Zhe-dong,FAN Wei,PENG Ya-qi,DU Si,CHEN Da-song,WANG Xue-lu,LI You-guo. Symbiotic Compatibility Among Eight Elite Soybean Rhizobia Strains and Twenty-seven Soybean Cultivars from Different Planting Regions[J]. Soybean Science, 2017, 36(3). DOI: 10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2017.03.0405
Authors:WU Hui  ZHONG Zhe-dong  FAN Wei  PENG Ya-qi  DU Si  CHEN Da-song  WANG Xue-lu  LI You-guo
Abstract:Soybean is an important oil crop as well as a high-protein grain and forage crop,possessing symbiotic nitrogen fixation ability with rhizobia.Over the last decade,China's new soybean varieties have been updated quickly,resulting in its poor matching with lag-behinded soybean rhizobia strains and therefore demonstrating null efficiency with inoculated rhizobia in agricultural field.To study on the compatibility and matching ability between rhizobia and soybean varieties,and screen the elite rhizobia strains with high nitrogen fixation efficiency and a broad-host range is of importance.It can provide elite strains and practical guides for rhizobia inoculant production and application in a specific region of China.This paper selected eight soybean rhizobia strains including six fast-growing soybean rhizobia previously isolated in our lab and two slow-growing soybean rhizobia Bradyrhizobiumjaponicum,TA11 and USDA110,as controls,and twenty-seven soybean cultivars to carry out the matching experiments.The compatibilities between soybean rhizobia and soybean cultivars were characterized through pot sand nodulation experiments.Plant shoot biomass and height above ground,nodule number,fresh weight and nitrogenase activity were measured,and the data were analyzed using SPSS.It showed that nodule nitrogen fixing efficiency was significantly different among the tested rhizobia and soybean cultivars.Plant biomass was positively correlated with other indexes.Eight tested rhizobia were found to be compatible with twenty-four tested soybean cuhivars in China.Plant biomass was significantly increased for inoculated plants relatived to that of the non-inoculated ones.In addition,the strains of HN01,GR3,HH29 and HH103 demonstrated high nitrogen fixation efficiency no less than that of USDA110.These strains are potential merit strains to be applied in Norheast China,Valley of the Yellow and Huaihe Rives,Valley of the Yangze River,and Southeast China.Among the twenty-seven soybean varieties/lines,Zhongdou 39,BD2 and Tianlong 1 showed higher biomass when inoculated with eight tested rhizobia-In addition,we have obtained an outstanding pair of with higher symbiont efficient Zhongdou 39-GR3,which will be applied in Valley of the Yangze River;the best compatibility of soybean-rhizobia in Norheast China,Valley of the Yellow and Huaihe Rives,Southeast China respectively were Liaodou 14-HN01,Xudou 14-HN01,BD2-HN01 as well.Our study elementary identified the compatibility between elite soybean rhizobia tested and major cuhivar of different planting region in China.The results provide the rhizobia resources for inoculant production being supposed to match a regionspecific soybean cultivar.Further investigations are need to evaluate and confirm the elite rhizobia strains that can compete with indigenous rhizobia strains and demonstrate practical higher nitrogen fixation efficency in the field soils.
Keywords:Elite rhizobia strain  Glycine max  Soybean major cultivar  Compatibility  Symbiotic nitrogen fixing efficency
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