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引用本文:李金娟,杨荣师. 贵阳市大气颗粒物的污染特征及其与主要气象要素的相关性分析[J]. 西南大学学报(自然科学版), 2011, 33(1)
作者姓名:李金娟  杨荣师
摘    要:2008年7月-2009年4月,作者对贵阳市4个点(蔡家关、市中心、水泥厂和花溪)的TSP和PM10进行了系统采样,分析其污染特征,并探讨了白天和夜间PM10浓度与主要气象因素(相对湿度、风速、气压和温度)之间的相关性.结果表明,贵阳市TSP与PM10日均浓度范围分别为:48.1~985.8,32.5~595.4μg/m3;对比《环境空气质量标准》二级标准的日均值,贵阳市TSP和PM10的超标率分别为2%,45%,PM10/TSP比值范围为0.30~0.99,平均为0.70;4个采样点TSP和PM10浓度在季节上的变化规律大小顺序为:冬季,秋季,春季,夏季,在空间上的规律大小顺序为:水泥厂,蔡家关,市中心,花溪.PM10质量浓度与主要气象要素的相关性表明,白天PM10浓度与相对湿度、风速、气压和温度的相关系数R分别为0.19,-0.33,0.23和0.18,夜间PM10与相对湿度、风速、气压和温度的相关系数R分别为0.25,-0.5,0.18和0.11.

关 键 词:总悬浮颗粒物  可吸入颗粒物  污染水平  气象因素  贵阳市  

Pollution Characteristics of Atmospheric Particulate Matters in Guiyang City and Their Relationship with Meteorological Factors
LI Jin-juan,YANG Rong-shiKey Laboratory of Karst Environment , Geohazard Prevention,Ministry of Education/Resources , Environmental Engineering College,Guizhou University,Guiyang ,China. Pollution Characteristics of Atmospheric Particulate Matters in Guiyang City and Their Relationship with Meteorological Factors[J]. Journal of southwest university (Natural science edition), 2011, 33(1)
Authors:LI Jin-juan  YANG Rong-shiKey Laboratory of Karst Environment    Geohazard Prevention  Ministry of Education/Resources    Environmental Engineering College  Guizhou University  Guiyang   China
Affiliation:LI Jin-juan,YANG Rong-shiKey Laboratory of Karst Environment and Geohazard Prevention,Ministry of Education/Resources and Environmental Engineering College,Guizhou University,Guiyang 550003,China
Abstract:From July,2008 to April,2009,four sampling sites(the Caijiaguan Campus of Guizhou University,the urban city,a cement plant in Ganyintang and the South Campus of Guizhou University in Huaxi) were chosen to collect TSP and PM10 systemically,and the pollution characteristics of TSP and PM10 were studied.The relationships between mass concentrations PM10 during daytime and night and main meteorological factors(relative humidity,wind speed,atmospheric pressure and temperature) were analyzed.The results showed th...
Keywords:TSP  PM10  pollution level  meteorological factor  Guiyang City  
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