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Nitrogen isotopic composition of leached nitrate and soil organic matter as an indicator of denitrification in a sloping drained agricultural plot and adjacent uncultivated riparian buffer strips
Authors:Claire Billy,Gilles Billen,Franç  ois Birgand
Affiliation:a UMR 7618, BIOEMCO, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Boîte 120, Tour 56/66, 4ème étage, 75252 Paris cedex 05, France
b “Hydrosystems and Bioprocesses” Research Unit, Cemagref, Antony, France
c UMR 7619 Sisyphe, CNRS, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France
Abstract:In the small, agricultural, artificially drained Orgeval watershed δ15N values of leached nitrates and soil organic nitrogen were found to be significantly higher than the primary nitrogen (N) sources from which they are derived, namely, synthetic fertilizers, atmospheric deposition, and symbiotic or nonsymbiotic N2 fixation (all with δ15N close to zero). In vertical soil profiles, the δ15N of organic N increased with depth, reaching higher values (up to 8‰) particularly at stations that were frequently waterlogged as judged from ochre iron traces, such as downhill field sites or in riparian buffer strips. Nitrification, volatilization, and denitrification are the main fractionating processes able to modify the isotopic composition of soil N. Using a newly designed algorithm for calculating the equilibrium isotopic composition of all soil N species, resulting from the average annual balance of their transformations, we show that the observed trends can be explained by the action of denitrification. We suggest that the isotopic composition of soil organic N can be used as a semiquantitative indicator of the intensity of denitrification integrated over century-long periods.
Keywords:Nitrogen   Isotopic composition   Denitrification   Soil organic matter   Riparian zones
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