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The Deterioration of Eating and Cooking Quality Caused by High Temperature During Grain Filling in Early-Season indica Rice Cultivars
Authors:L. J. Zhong  F. M. Cheng  X. Wen  Z. X. Sun   G. P. Zhang
Affiliation:Authors' addresses: Dr L. J. Zhong, Dr F. M. Cheng, Ms X. Wen, and Prof. G. P. Zhang (corresponding author;e-mail: ), Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture and Biotechnology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310029, China;Prof. Z. X. Sun, China National Rice Research Institute, Hangzhou 310006, China
Abstract:The effect of temperature during grain filling on eating and cooking quality of early-season indica rice was investigated by using four cultivars with different amylose content. Starting from flowering stage until maturity, the plants of all cultivars were subjected to two temperature treatments, referred as optimum (mean daily air temperature, 22 °C) and high (32 °C) temperature regimes. The results showed that the effect of high temperature on apparent amylose content and gel consistency in milled rice was cultivar-dependent. Under high temperature, amylose content increased for cv. Jiayu353 and remained little changed for cv. Guangluai4, which had intrinsically higher amylose content, and decreased for cv. Zhefu49 and cv. Jiazao935, which had lower amylose content. By contrast, high temperature reduced or kept stable gel consistency values for cultivars with higher amylose content and increased gel consistency values for those with lower amylose content. Moreover, high temperature significantly increased the gelatinization temperature of all cultivars. Pasting profiles and X-ray diffraction pattern of rice were also affected by temperature. The results suggest that high temperature during grain filling change the component and crystalline structure of starch and result in deterioration of eating and cooking quality for early-season indica rice.
Keywords:amylose content    quality    rice (Oryza sativa L.)    temperature    X-ray diffraction pattern
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