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Regulating the global fisheries: The World Wildlife Fund, Unilever, and the Marine Stewardship Council
Authors:Douglas H. Constance  Alessandro Bonanno
Affiliation:(1) Department of Sociology, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas, USA
Abstract:This analysis uses an analytical frameworkgrounded in political economy perspectives of theglobalization of the agro-food sector combined with acase study approach focusing on the Marine StewardshipCouncil (MSC) to inform discussions regarding thecharacteristics of societal regulation in thepost-Fordist era. More specifically, this analysisuses the case of the emergence of the MSC toinvestigate propositions regarding the existence of,and location of, nascent forms of a transnationalState. The MSC proposes to regulate the certificationof sustainable fisheries at the global level throughan eco-labeling program. The MSC was created in 1996by the transnational environmental organization theWorld Wildlife Fund and the transnational corporationUnilever. The emergence of the MSC has generatedheated discussion in fisheries management circles thatis in general divided along North/South lines. Thisanalysis indicates that the case of the MSC providesvaluable insights into the possible characteristics ofsupranational regulatory mechanisms that might emulatethe role of the nation-State in the post-Fordist era.
Keywords:Environment  Fisheries  Fordism  Nation-State  Regulation  Supranational State  Transnational corporations  Transnational State
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