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引用本文:毛平. 新农村建设背景下加强农业院校法制教育的思考[J]. 中国农业教育, 2012, 0(1): 67-69,84
摘    要:社会主义新农村建设具有深刻的法制内涵,需要大量既懂法律又懂农业的复合型人才。但目前我国农业院校的法制教育存在诸多问题,不能适应新农村建设的需要。应加强农业院校法制教育的改革与创新,努力探索多样化的手段和途径提高法制教育的实效,为农村发展输送高素质的复合型人才,履行服务新农村建设的重要职能。

关 键 词:新农村建设  农业院校  法制教育

Thoughts on Strengthening the Legal Education in Agricultural Universities in the Context of the New Rural Construction
MAO ping. Thoughts on Strengthening the Legal Education in Agricultural Universities in the Context of the New Rural Construction[J]. China Agricultural Education, 2012, 0(1): 67-69,84
Authors:MAO ping
Affiliation:MAO ping(Sichuan Agricultural University,Ya’an 625014,Sichuan,China)
Abstract:For its socialist new rural construction with a profound legal connotation,China needs a wealth of talents well accomplished in both laws and agricultural sciences.The current legal education in Chinese agricultural universities is problematic and cannot meet the needs of the new rural construction program.The legal education in agricultural universities should be reformed and innovated to provide more effective education with diversified instructional media so as to launch more capable interdisciplinary practical talents for performing important functions of new rural construction.
Keywords:New Rural Construction  Agricultural Universities  Legal Education
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