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引用本文:孙龙,韩丽君,何东坡,穆立蔷,曹军,姜利. 绥满公路两侧森林区土壤-植被重金属的分布特征及污染评价[J]. 林业科学, 2009, 45(9)
作者姓名:孙龙  韩丽君  何东坡  穆立蔷  曹军  姜利
作者单位:1. 东北林业大学,哈尔滨,150040
2. 山西省林业科学研究院,太原,030012
摘    要:测定绥满公路(301国道)海林至亚布力段森林区路侧土壤及红松等19种植物叶片中Pb,Cd,Cu,Zn,As的质量分数,研究5种重金属元素在公路路侧森林区土壤-植被中的质量分数分布特征.结果表明:土壤中5种重金属平均质量分数普遍高于背景值,土壤的单因子和综合污染指数计算结果显示,Cd为重污染,Zn,Cu,Pb,As为轻度污染,综合污染指数等级达到中度污染,但重金属质量分数除Cd略高外,其余均低于国家二级标准.Cd是道路交通重金属污染的主要污染物之一,公路两侧植物叶片中Cd质量分数随距离的增加而逐渐降低,土壤中Cd质量分数随距离增加先升高后降低.研究结果还进一步表明,公路旁侧森林区土壤与植被主要重金属富集区距公路约40~60 m范围之内.19种植物作为防治公路重金属污染林带树种的适宜性比较研究表明:蒙古栎、白桦、臭松等树种可以作为公路旁侧防治重金属污染林带的骨干树种推广使用;春榆、裂叶榆和毛赤杨等树种可作为重金属污染区绿化重点选用树种.

关 键 词:绥满公路  森林区  土壤-植被  重金属

Pollution Assessment and Distribution of Heavy Metals in Soil and Vegetation in Forest along both Sides of Suiman Highway
Sun Long,Han Lijun,He Dongpo,Mu Liqiang,Cao Jun,Jiang Li. Pollution Assessment and Distribution of Heavy Metals in Soil and Vegetation in Forest along both Sides of Suiman Highway[J]. Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2009, 45(9)
Authors:Sun Long  Han Lijun  He Dongpo  Mu Liqiang  Cao Jun  Jiang Li
Affiliation:1.Northeast Forestry University Harbin 150040;2.Shanxi Academy of Forestry Sciences Taiyuan 030012
Abstract:Mass fractions of heavy metals(Pb,Cd,Cu,Zn,As) were measured in surface soil and 19 plant leaves in forests along both sides of Hailin to Yabuli section of Suiman highway in Heilongjiang Province. The mass fraction characteristics of five heavy metals in soil-vegetation system in the roadside were studied. The results showed that the mean mass fraction of 5 heavy metals was higher than the background value. The heavy metals pollution of the soil was evaluated by using single factor pollution index and integ...
Keywords:Suiman highway  forest  soil and vegetation  heavy metals  
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