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引用本文:陈莉,段永照,刘歆,缪卫国,努尔孜亚,刘海洋. 生防细菌A57的鉴定及拮抗蛋白理化性质的研究[J]. 新疆农业大学学报, 2010, 33(6): 475-478
作者姓名:陈莉  段永照  刘歆  缪卫国  努尔孜亚  刘海洋
摘    要:通过培养形态、生理生化特征以及16S rDNA的分子序列同源性分析,16S rDNA测序结果在GenBank数据库进行同源性比较,确定A57为短芽孢杆菌(Brevibacillus sp.)。采用不同浓度硫酸铵沉淀法提取拮抗蛋白。以枯萎病菌作指示菌,A57在70%的硫酸铵饱和度下拮抗蛋白的拮抗活性最大,抑制率为23.7%。对A57拮抗蛋白理化性质研究,结果表明该拮抗蛋白对热均稳定,对氯仿均不敏感,对胰蛋白酶敏感;A57拮抗活性最佳pH值为5~7,强酸(pH3)和强碱(pH9)条件下仍具有部分的拮抗活性。

关 键 词:生防细菌  分子鉴定  拮抗蛋白

Identification of Biological Bacateria A57 and Study on Physical and Chemical Properties of Its Antagonistic Protein
CHEN Li,DUAN Yong-zhao,LIU Xin,MIAO Wei-guo,Nuerziya,LIU Hai-yang. Identification of Biological Bacateria A57 and Study on Physical and Chemical Properties of Its Antagonistic Protein[J]. Journal of Xinjiang Agricultural University, 2010, 33(6): 475-478
Authors:CHEN Li  DUAN Yong-zhao  LIU Xin  MIAO Wei-guo  Nuerziya  LIU Hai-yang
Affiliation:CHEN Li1,DUAN Yong-zhao1,LIU Xin1,MIAO Wei-guo2,Nuerziya3,LIU Hai-yang3 (1.Xinjiang Agricultural Vocational Technical College,Changji 831100,China,2.Nanjing Agricultural University,Nanjing 210095,3.Istitute of Plant Protection,Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Urumqi 833000,China)
Abstract:Based on homologous analysis of 16S rDNA molecular sequences and 16S rDNA sequencing results obtained from homologous comparison in GenBank,A57 was identified as Brevibacillus brevs.Antagonistic crude protein of A57 were obtained by(NH4)2SO4 precipitation with different concentrations.The test results showed that the activity of antagonistic protein were the maximum under A57 average saturation level of A57 of 70% ammonium sulfate when withered bacateria were regarded as droop ones.A57 Average inhibitory ra...
Keywords:biological bacteria  moleular identification  antagonistic protein  
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