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引用本文:张家春,林绍霞,张清海,何腾兵,林昌虎. 贵州草海底泥-上覆水中氮磷含量时空分布特征[J]. 广东农业科学, 2014, 41(9): 184-188
作者姓名:张家春  林绍霞  张清海  何腾兵  林昌虎
基金项目:贵州省教育人才省长资金项目院草海流域农业环境污染研究与农产品质量安全评价(黔省专合字[2011]16 号
摘    要:为促进贵州高原湿地草海的可持续发展,改善草海水环境状况,恢复草海保护区的湿地功能,研究了草海在丰水期和枯水期的底泥及上覆水的氮磷时间和空间分布特征,并以叶地表水环境质量标准曳作为评价依据对草海水质进行评价。结果表明,两个时期草海底泥TN 和TP 呈现中等程度的空间变异性。丰水期草海底泥TN 的空间特征是S 区跃N 区跃E 区,丰水期和枯水期底泥碱解氮含量为S 区跃N 区跃E 区;丰水期底泥有效磷含量分布规律为E区跃N 区跃S 区,枯水期底泥有效磷含量为E 区跃S 区跃N 区。丰水期和枯水期草海底泥TN、碱解氮含量由南至北逐渐升高,西至东逐渐升高。草海的东水域区的各项指标数值都比西水域区高。草海底泥及上覆水中主要是草海周边农田化肥、周边村落畜禽养殖所产生的粪尿和居民的生活污水。应重视农业生产中对废弃物和废水排放量的限制。

关 键 词:草海;底泥;上覆水;氮;磷;时空分布特征

Seasonal and vertical distribution characteristics ofnitrogen and phosphorus content in the sediment andoverlying water of Caohai in Guizhou
Abstract:To promote the sustainable development of plateau wetland of Caohai in Guizhou, to improve theenvironment of Caohai, to restore the function of wetland of reserve area in Caohai, studied the seasonal and verticaldistribution characteristics of nitrogen and phosphorus in sediment and overlying water in the wet period and dry period,and evaluated the water quality in Caohai according to the standard of surface water environmental quality. The resultsshowed that, the spatial variability of TN and TP in sediment of the two periods was moderate degree. The spatialcharacteristics of TN in sediment in abundant water period was S area>N area>E area, the content of alkali-hydrolyzed Nof sediment in high and low water periods was S area >E area >N area; the distribution characteristics of availablephosphorus in sediment in wet period was E area>S area>N area, the distribution characteristics of available phosphorus insediment in dry period was E area>N area>S area. The content of TN and alkali-hydrolyzed nitrogen in sediment increasedgradually from south to north when in wet and dry water periods, increased gradually form west to east. The value ofnumerical indicators of east water district in Caohai was high than those of the west water districting. The pollution sourceof sediment and overlying water was mainly the farmland fertilizer in Caohai surrounding, the generated wastes of breedingof livestock and poultry in surrounding villages and living sewage. Attention should be paid to limit the emissions of wasteand wastewater in the agricultural production.
Keywords:Caohai   sediment   overlying water   nitrogen   phosphorus   seasonal and vertical distribution characteristics
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