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引用本文:杜守信,孙兰英,于国杰. 雏鸡沙门氏菌病的病原分离与鉴定[J]. 农技服务, 2009, 26(9): 62-63
作者姓名:杜守信  孙兰英  于国杰
摘    要:邯郸地区某县养殖场于2008年2月引进一批海兰白雏鸡共6500只,4日龄时部分雏鸡开始发病,6日龄时开始死亡,7d内共死亡1248只,死亡率达19.2%。剖检不同日龄死雏21只,活病雏13只,死雏呈现严重败血症病变,活雏心肌、肝、肺、肌胃等脏器出现黄白色或大小不等的灰白色坏死灶。取其卵黄、肝、脾、心血等病料进行病原分离培养,从获得的153个菌落中挑选可疑菌落27个,经细菌学鉴定,确认17株为鸡白痢沙门氏菌,抗原式为1,9,12∶-∶-,10株为德尔卑沙门氏菌(S.derby),抗原式为1,4,12∶f,g∶-。

关 键 词:雏鸡  沙门氏菌  病原分离  鉴定

Isolation and Identification of Salmonellosis Pathogen from Chicken
Affiliation:DU Shou-xin et al ( Agricultural College of Hebei Engineering University, Handan, Hebei 056038 )
Abstract:In Feb. , 2008, a group of 6 500 Hyline White chicken were introduced into a livestock farm in a county in Handan. When 4 days old, some of them began to get disease, when 6 days old, some of them died and within 1 week, a total number of 1 248 died and the death rate was 19.2%. 21 dead chicken which died on different days and 13 sick chicken were anatomized and tested. The result was that pathologi- cal changes of septicemia could be seen on the dead chicken and big or small necrotic foci which were either yellow and white or grey and white occurred on the live chicken. The pathogeny of their vitelfine, liver, spleen and blood vessels were isolated and cultured. 27 doubtful colonies were selected from 153 colonies. Having been identified by bacteriological method, 17 of them were salmonella pullorum and the anti- genic formulas were 1,9,12: - : - ; 10 of them were S. derby and their antigenic formulas were 1,4,12:f,g: -.
Keywords:Chicken  Salmonella  Pathogen isolation  Identification
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