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不同保水措施对烟地土壤水分及 烤烟生长的影响
引用本文:黄 刚,王发鹏,丁福章,李继新,袁有波. 不同保水措施对烟地土壤水分及 烤烟生长的影响[J]. 中国农学通报, 2008, 24(9): 265-268
作者姓名:黄 刚  王发鹏  丁福章  李继新  袁有波
作者单位:1. 贵州省毕节地区烟草公司大方县分公司,大方,551600
2. 贵州省烟草科学研究所,贵阳,550003
摘    要:为干旱地区寻找较好的烤烟配套栽培措施提供依据。在大田条件下研究了地膜覆盖、秸秆覆盖和秸秆还田对烤烟生长发育、土壤相对含水率、烟叶产质量的影响。地膜覆盖、秸秆覆盖和还田均能增加干旱季节土壤的含水率,减少土壤水分蒸发,生长前期地膜覆盖的保水效果最优,后期以秸秆覆盖和还田效果略好;几种措施均能显著的促进烤烟的生长发育,其中地膜覆盖对烟株早期生长有利,而秸秆覆盖和还田在烟叶旺长后优于地膜覆盖;秸秆覆盖能显著的提高烤烟的产质量,产值分别较秸秆还田、常规对照和地膜覆盖提高7.5%、18.2%和37.6%。秸秆覆盖具有明显的保水增产作用,值得在干旱烟区大面积推广。

关 键 词:地膜覆盖  秸秆覆盖  秸秆还田  烤烟  土壤含水率  产质量

Effects of Different Water-retaining Measure for Moisture of
Tobacco-Cultivated Soil and Tobacco Leaf Quality
Huang Gang,Wang Fapeng,Ding Fuzhang,Li Jixin,Yuan Youbo. Effects of Different Water-retaining Measure for Moisture of
Tobacco-Cultivated Soil and Tobacco Leaf Quality[J]. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2008, 24(9): 265-268
Authors:Huang Gang  Wang Fapeng  Ding Fuzhang  Li Jixin  Yuan Youbo
Affiliation:Dafang Branch, Bijie Tobacco Company of Guizhou Provincial Corporation, Dafang 551600;
Guizhou Tobacco Science Research Institute, Guiyang 550003
Abstract:In order to find better measures for flue-cured tobacco cultivation in arid areas. Experiment was carried out in tobacco’s field to compare effect of polythene mulch, straw mulch and straw manuring on soil moisture, flue-cured tobacco growth and leaf quality. The results showed that both treatments increased soil water contents during the drought season by decreasing water evaporation, but the polythene mulching showed better water-saving effect an the early plant growth stage and the straw mulching showed better effect after fast growing stage. Both mulching methods could promote the growth and development of tobacco plant, of which the polythene mulching was more advantageous at early plant growth stage and the straw mulching or straw manuring showed better effect after fast growing stage. The straw mulching could increase the yield and production value significantly, the production value respectively over a straw mannuring, CK and polythene mulch increase of 7.5%, 18.2% and 37.6%. The straw mulch had a obvious effect on water-saving and leaf quality increasing which was worth using in large drought areas.
Keywords:polythene mulchzz  straw mulchzz  straw manuringzz  flue-cured tobaccozz  soil moisturezz  leaf qualityzz
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