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引用本文:徐田军. 不同基因型玉米品种对三个关键时期干旱胁迫的响应及抗旱性鉴定[J]. 农学学报, 2017, 7(12): 12-17. DOI: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas17070022
基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目“黄淮北部夏玉米产量与效率层次差异形成机制与丰产增效途径”(2016YFD0300106);北京市科技计划课题“抗旱 作物品种鉴定与制种技术研究及节水良繁科技示范”(Z151100001015014);北京市优秀人才培养资助项目“耐旱玉米新品种鉴定筛选及示范” (2014000020060G177);国家玉米产业技术体系“玉米遗传育种岗位科学家”(CARS-02-18);北京市农林科学院院级科技创新团队建设项目 (JNKYT201603)。
摘    要:
旨在研究玉米品种在不同生育时期抗旱性差异,以18 个玉米品种为材料,设置拔节期(T1)、大喇叭口期(T2)、吐丝期(T3)干旱胁迫,以及正常灌溉(CK)4 个处理,对试验品种的抗旱性进行鉴定与评价。结果表明:干旱胁迫处理后各品种ASI 值较对照不同程度延长1~6 天。‘京农科728’、‘京科968’等9 个品种的ASI 值延长较少,‘中单28’、‘浚单20’等品种的ASI 值延长较大。干旱胁迫处理后,‘京科968’、‘京农科728’等品种产量均相对较高;‘先玉335’、‘郑单958’等品种中等;‘浚单20’、‘中单28’等品种相对较低。由此可见,‘京科968’、‘京农科728’等为丰产性好、抗旱性强品种;‘郑单958’、‘先玉335’等为丰产性和抗旱性中等品种;‘辽单565’和‘纪元1 号’等为丰产性和抗旱性差品种;‘中单28’等为丰产性最差和干旱敏感型品种。

关 键 词:不同等级降水  不同等级降水  变化趋势  偏相关  相对贡献率  合成分析  海东市  

Response of Maize Varieties with Different Genotypes to Drought Stress at Three Critical Stages and Drought-resistant Identification
The objective is to investigate drought-resistant differences of maize varieties at different growth stages. Eighteen maize varieties were used as materials. Four treatments were set including drought stress at three key growing stages, jointing stage (T1), booting stage (T2), silking stage (T3) and the normal irrigating treatments (CK). The drought resistance was identified and evaluated. The results showed that the ASI of the tested varieties extended 1- 6 d in various degrees compared with the control. The ASI of nine varieties prolonged slightly, such as‘Jingnongke728’and‘Jingke968’; that of‘Zhongdan28’and‘Xundan20’were relatively long. After the drought stress, the yield of‘Jingke968’and‘Jingnongke728’were relatively high; that of‘Xianyu335’and‘Zhengdan958’were medium; and that of‘Xundan20’and‘Zhongdan28’were relatively low. It is concluded that the yield level and drought resistance of‘Jingke968’and‘Jingnongke728’ are the highest; those of‘Zhengdan958’and‘Xianyu335’were medium; ‘Liaodan565’ and ‘Jiyuan1’ had poor drought resistance and yield.‘Zhongdan28’was the worst productive and drought sensitive variety.
Keywords:Maize   Drought stress   Drought resistance   Identification
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