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引用本文:胡明文,黄平芳. 山地草甸游憩环境承载力评价——以武功山景区为例[J]. 江西农业大学学报, 2016, 0(6): 1196-1204. DOI: 10.13836/j.jjau.2016168
作者姓名:胡明文  黄平芳
作者单位:1. 江西农业大学 林学院,江西 南昌,330045;2. 赣南师范大学 历史文化与旅游学院,江西 赣州 341000; 赣南师范大学 旅游规划与产业发展研究中心,江西 赣州 341000
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(41361034) Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(41361034)
摘    要:游憩环境承载力是诊断游憩环境健康运行的依据和标准。为测度山地草甸游憩环境运行状态,从弹性力、支撑力和抵抗力3个方面遴选20个评价指标,构建了山地草甸游憩环境承载力评价指标体系,然后根据经验数据及试验数据确定了各指标以及各承载力指数的阈限范围,并构建了相应的承载力指数模型。在此基础上运用此评价指标体系及模型方法对武功山山地草甸游憩环境承载力进行评价。结果表明:武功山山地草甸游憩环境尽管具有较强的自我维持和自我调节的弹性能力,甚至淡季时还具有较高的抵抗力,但在旺季高负荷的游憩行为干扰下,其支撑能力和抵抗能力均处于"超载"状态,承载力综合指数为0.426 3,也处于"超载"状态;同时旺季的"超载"还进一步影响到了淡季时草甸的自我恢复能力,其承载力综合指数为0.566 1,处于"满载"状态。

关 键 词:山地草甸  游憩环境承载力  指标评价  武功山景区

Evaluation of the Recreation Environmental Carrying Capacity of Mountain Meadow:Taking Wugong Mountain Scenic Area as an Example
Abstract:Recreation environmental carrying capacity is the basis and standard for healthy operation of recreational environments.In order to measure the recreational environmental status of Mountain meadow,an e-valuation index system of the recreational environmental carrying capacity of mountain meadow with 20 evalua-tion indexes selected from the three aspects was constructed,the aspects were flexibility,sustaining force and resistance.Then each index and its carrying threshold range was identified by the empirical data and test data, and also a corresponding carrying capacity index model was constructed.On this basis,the evaluation index sys-tem and model method were used to evaluate the recreational environmental carrying capacity of the mountain meadow on Wugong Mountain.The results showed that:despite of its strong self-maintenance,self-adjustment a-bility of flexibility and high resistance in the off-season,the mountain meadow of Wugong Mountain recreation environment was in an overloaded state to its ability of flexibility and resistance with the recreation behavior in-terference in the peak season,the Carrying Comprehensive Index ( CI) was 0.426 3,obviously overloaded;mo-reover,the“overload”in the peak season further affected the self-recovery ability in the off-season,and the CI was 0.566 1 fully loaded.
Keywords:mountain meadow  recreational environmental carrying capacity  index evaluation  Wugong Mountain scenic area
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