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引用本文:周新华,桂尚上,肖智勇,朱小毛,黄拯. 温度和光照对多花黄精种子萌发的影响[J]. 江西林业科技, 2016, 0(6). DOI: 10.16259/j.cnki.36-1342/s.2016.06.001
作者姓名:周新华  桂尚上  肖智勇  朱小毛  黄拯
作者单位:1. 中国林业科学研究院亚热带林业实验中心,江西分宜,336600;2. 广州市林业和园林绿化工程建设中心,广东广州,510050;3. 宜春市林业科学研究所,江西宜春,336000
摘    要:为了解多花黄精种子的萌发特性,探索其种子萌发的最适宜条件,以年珠林场收集的多花黄精种子为研究材料,开展其种子形态测定以及温度和光照对其种子萌发特性影响的研究。结果表明:温度对多花黄精种子发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数和平均发芽时间的影响达到显著水平;在10℃~35℃范围内,随着温度的升高,种子的发芽率、发芽势和发芽指数均呈现先增加后减小的趋势,而平均发芽时间则呈现先减小后增加的趋势;当温度为25℃时,种子发芽率、发芽势和发芽指数最高,分别为93.4%、70.1%和48.5,平均发芽时间最低为11.4 d。光照对多花黄精种子发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数和平均发芽时间的影响不显著。试验结果为多花黄精栽培育苗提供技术支持和理论支撑。

关 键 词:多花黄精  种子萌发  温度  光照

Influence of temperature and light on the seed germination of Polygonatum cyrtonema
Abstract:To preliminary understand seed germination characteristics of Polygonatum cyrtonema and explore the optimum condition for the germination of the seeds, the P. cyrtonema seeds collected from in the Nianzhu Forest Farm were made as research material, to carry out the research of seed morphology determination and temperature and light on seed germination characteristics. The results showed that the influence of temperature on seed germination rate, germination potential, germination index and mean germination time of P. cyrtonema reached a significant level; within the range of 10 ℃to 35 ℃, with the increase of temperature, seed germination rate, germination potential and germination index showed first increased and reduce the trend, and mean germination time showed a trend of decreased first and then increased;when the temperature of 25 ℃, seed germination rate, germination potential and germination index were the highest of 93.4%, 70.1% and 48.5, respectively, mean germination time for the minimum 11.4 d. The influence of light on seed germination rate, germination potential, germination index and mean germination time was not significant. Test results can provide technical support and theoretical support for the cultivation of P. cyrtonema.
Keywords:Polygonatum cyrtonema  seed germination  temperature  illumination
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