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引用本文:李中勇,高东升,王闯. 弱光环境对设施桃果实品质的影响[J]. 河南农业科学, 2009, 0(7)
作者姓名:李中勇  高东升  王闯
作者单位:1. 河北农业大学,园艺学院,河北,保定,071001;山东农业大学,园艺科学与工程学院
2. 山东农业大学,园艺科学与工程学院
3. 聊城职业技术学院,山东,聊城,252000
摘    要:以设施内栽培的春捷桃为试材,在果实发育期设自然光照(对照)和遮荫处理,研究了弱光环境对设施桃果实品质的影响。结果表明,在设施遮荫环境下,果实的纵横径均小于对照,且纵径减小的幅度大,果型指数变小。在设施栽培条件下,遮荫处理后桃树果实中可溶性总糖、维生素C含量降低,而可滴定酸、淀粉、干物质和可溶性蛋白含量升高。遮荫处理后对果实品质各项指标的影响在果实生长发育不同时期表现不同,但均是早期影响小,后期影响大。

关 键 词:  光照环境  设施栽培  品质

Effects of Shading in Protected Culture on the Quality of Peach Fruit
LI Zhong-yong,GAO Dong-sheng,WANG Chuang. Effects of Shading in Protected Culture on the Quality of Peach Fruit[J]. Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences, 2009, 0(7)
Authors:LI Zhong-yong  GAO Dong-sheng  WANG Chuang
Abstract:The research was carried out using Chunjie peach cultivar under protected culture to study the effects of dim light on the fruit quality in college of horticulture science and engineering, Shandong Agricultural University from 2006 to 2007. The peach trees selected were shaded at the fruit development, and the trees at natural light were check. Shading under protected culture reduces the polar and equatiorial of fruit, and the polar of fruit decreased more significantly than the equatiorial of fruit. So fruit shape index of the fruit undershading decreased. The content of the total soluble sugars and Vc is decreased , while of the titrtable acid,starch,dry weight and soluble protein, it is increased.On the other hand, shading effects on all of the index tested vary in different fruit development stage. The effects are larger at the early stage than at the later stage of fruit development.
Keywords:Prunus persica  Light environment  Protected culture  Quality
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