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引用本文:丁鼎. 刘歆的《周礼》学及其在两汉之际的传承谱系[J]. 湖南农业大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 0(5): 21-26
作者单位:(1.山东师范大学 齐鲁文化研究院,山东 济南250014;2.中国孔子研究院,山东 曲阜273100)
摘    要:两汉之际是《周礼》学的奠基和发轫时期。刘歆是《周礼》学的奠基人和开拓者。约略说来刘歆对《周礼》学发展所做的贡献,主要有如下三端:首先,刘歆在与其父刘向受诏校理秘府图书时,不仅将《周官》(《周礼》)这部几乎不为世人所知的典籍著录于《七略》之中,而且还“独识”《周礼》的价值,顶住各方面的压力,不遗余力地向学术界推介这部在秘府之中新发现的典籍。其次,《周礼》一书于王莽当政时被立于学官、设博士主要应归功于刘歆的推动。复次,刘歆不仅研治《周礼》,撰著《周官传》四篇,而且还广收门徒,传授《周礼》之学。两汉之际著名经学家杜子春、郑兴、贾徽、郑众、贾逵及卫宏等人都曾直接或间接地师从刘歆学习过《周礼》。他们或是刘歆的弟子,或是刘歆的再传弟子,都出于刘歆的《周礼》学传承谱系。他们在《周礼》研究领域都做出了重要贡献,从而使《周礼》学逐步发扬光大。

关 键 词:《周礼》  《周官》  古文经学  刘歆  杜子春  郑众  贾逵  卫宏

Studies on Rites of Zhou by Liu Xin and its Transmission Spectrum during the Period of Two Han Dynasty
DING Ding. Studies on Rites of Zhou by Liu Xin and its Transmission Spectrum during the Period of Two Han Dynasty[J]. Journal of Hunan Agricultural University, 2016, 0(5): 21-26
Authors:DING Ding
Abstract:Studies on Rites of Zhou was set afoot during the period of two Han Dynasty. Liu Xin, the founder and pioneer of the study on Rites of Zhou, has made great contributions in such three aspects. Firstly, when appointed to collate the book in Mi Fu, Liu Xin and his father, Liu Xiang, included Rites of Zhou,a masterpiece unknown to the world, in Qi Lve. Having realized the value of Rites of Zhou, Liu Xin spared no efforts to introduce the book to the academia under tremendous pressure. Secondly, Liu Xin motivated the foundation of Rites of Zhou among education officers and doctors when Wang Mang in power. Finally, besides the study on Rites of Zhou, Liu Xin wrote the four chapters of Zhou Guan Zhuan and recruited a large population of apprentices to hand down the study. Plenty famous scribes like Du Zichun, Zheng Xing, Jia Hui, Zheng Zhong, Jia Kui and Wei Hong, who stemmed from the transmission spectrum of the study of Rites of Zhou by Liu Xin, all got instructed by him directly or indirectly. All those scholars accomplished great achievements and carried the study of Rites of Zhou forward.
Keywords:Rites of Zhou   Zhou Guan   traditional classic study   Liu Xin   Du Zichun   Zheng Zhong  Jia Kui  Wei Hong
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