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引用本文:吴梅芳,彭健,邓昌彦,熊远著,王振骅,童光照,吴东明. 赖氨酸占蛋白质及饲粮的比例对杜洛克猪生长肥育性能及胴体品质的影响[J]. 中国畜牧杂志, 1993, 0(2)
作者姓名:吴梅芳  彭健  邓昌彦  熊远著  王振骅  童光照  吴东明
作者单位:华中农业大学牧医系,华中农业大学牧医系,华中农业大学牧医系,华中农业大学牧医系,黄陂外贸良种场,黄陂外贸良种场,黄陂外贸良种场 武汉 430070,武汉 430070,武汉 430070,武汉 430070
摘    要:

关 键 词:赖氨酸  赖蛋比  平均日增重  饲料利用率  胴体瘦肉率

Effect of Levels of Lysine in Diet on the Performance of Duroc Pig
Wu Meifang et al. Effect of Levels of Lysine in Diet on the Performance of Duroc Pig[J]. Chinese Journal of Animal Science, 1993, 0(2)
Authors:Wu Meifang et al
Forty eight Duroc pig with an average weight of 27 kg were allocated into 6 treatments. The di-gestable energy in diet was 13. 6 MJ/kg for the first period of treatment(27-60kg)and 13. 44 MJ/kg for the second (60-90kg). For treatments 1,2 and 3 the levels of lysine(%) in the first period were 1.2,1. 1 and 0. 9 and in the second period were 1.1, 1.0 and 0. 8. For treatments 4,5 and 6 were 1.1, 1. 0 and 0. 8 in the first period and 0. 95,0. 87 0. 70 in the second. The levels of crude protein in two periods were 18% and 16 % for treatments 1,2 and 3, and 16 % and 14 % for treatments 4 ,5 and 6, Results showed that the average weight gain, feed conversion and carcass lean ratio in treatments 1,2 and 3 were slightly higher than those in treatments 4,5 and 6(P>0. 05). In the first period,the fifth group had the highest daily live weight gain ( 78 2g) and the lowest feed conversion ratio (2. 41:1) , which were significantly different from those in any other groups(P<0. 01). It also showed the highest daily liveweight again (875g)ln the second period, The daily liveweight gain of the fifth group in the whole period was 822g/d, which was significantly higher than that of any other group(P<0. 01). The feed coversion ratio and carcass lean ratio were 0. 98 : 1 and 65% for the fifth group,which did not differ significantly from other groups (P>0. 05), In all groups fed of the same crude protien level with different proportion of lysine io protein, the fifth and the second group with the 6. 25-6.1 % proportion of lysine to protein,had fastest growth rate(822 and 788g/d).
Keywords:lysine  daily liveweight gain  feed conversion ratio  lean-meat percentage
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