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Molecular characteristics of an immobilization antigen gene of the fish-parasitic protozoan Ichthyophthirius multifiliis strain ARS-6
Authors:De-Hai Xu,Victor S Panangala,Vicky L van Santen,Kevin Dybvig,Jason W Abernathy,Phillip H Klesius,Zhanjiang Liu,&   Riccardo Russo
Affiliation:Aquatic Animal Health Research Unit, US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Auburn, AL, USA;
Department of Pathobiology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, USA;
Department of Genetics, University of Alabama, Birmingham, AL, USA;
Department of Fisheries and Allied Aquaculture, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, USA
Abstract:Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (Ich), a ciliated protozoan parasite of fish, expresses surface antigens (i-antigens), which react with host antibodies that render them immobile. The nucleotide sequence of an i-antigen gene of I. multifiliis strain ARS-6 was deduced. The predicted protein of 47 493 Da is comprised of 460 amino acids (aa's) arranged into five imperfect repeats with periodic cysteine residues with the structure: CX(19)20CX2CX16−27CX2CX20(21)CX3. The N-terminal aa's typify a signal peptide motif while a stretch of C-terminal aa's resemble a glycosyl–phosphatidyl–inositol (GPI)-anchor addition site. The degree of deduced i-antigen aa sequence identity of strain ARS-6 (GenBank accession # ACH87654 and # ACH95659) with other I. multifiliis i-antigen sequences present in GenBank ranges from 99% to 36% identity with 52 kDa i-antigens of I. multifiliis strain G5 (accession #s AAK94941 and AAK01661 respectively). Immunoblot analysis of i-antigens following exposure of I. multifiliis theronts to catfish anti- I. multifiliis immune serum did not show any appreciable alteration in i-antigen expression. The mechanism that regulates i-antigen expression in I. multifiliis remains a puzzling question.
Keywords:immobilization antigen    gene    nucleotide sequence    Ichthyophthirius multifiliis
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