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Bodengefüge gegen Verdichtungen schützen – Lösungsansätze für den Schutz landwirtschaftlich genutzter Böden
Authors:Matthias Lebert,Joachim Brunotte,Claus Sommer,Holger B  ken
Affiliation:Matthias Lebert,Joachim Brunotte,Claus Sommer,Holger Böken
Abstract:Protecting soil structure against compaction—proposed solutions to safeguard agricultural soils To safeguard the ecological soil functions and the functions linked to human activities, measures against harmful changes to the soil are required, in line with the precautionary principle. The German Federal Soil Protection Act sets obligations for precaution in agricultural land use and, if harmful changes to the soil are foreseeable, measures for averting a danger. The results of a research project of the Federal Environmental Agency show that it is possible to describe an impairment of the soil structure, using methods of soil analysis. But this as a sole information would not qualify for the identification of harmful changes to the soil in the context of the Soil Protection Act, which requires an assessment of the severity of disruption of soil functions and the respective subject of protection. This would make additional soil investigations on site mandatory. Approaches in agricultural engineering and soil physics have introduced procedures to preserve the soil structure, in accordance with the precautionary principle. But these procedures have different goals and different ranges of application and hence offer partial solutions to safeguard against soil compaction. The assessment model of “trafficability by measuring the rut depth” provides information about the compaction status of the soil under applied conditions for farming gear, without providing detailed information about affected soil layers. The soil‐physical model of classifying soils into “risk classes for harmful soil compaction” focuses on the relationship between topsoil compaction and crop yields. The soil‐physical models “precompression stress” and “loading ratio” provide information for the assessment of subsoil compaction and a prognosis of a possible impairment of the soil structure at the water content of field capacity. It is necessary to validate the individual models with additional regional data about soil structure before a final assessment of the prognoses is made.
Keywords:soil compaction  soil protection  soil stresses  soil stability  soil trafficability
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