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引用本文:张功宝,蔡体久,徐飞. 小兴安岭退化沼泽湿地植被恢复技术[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2014, 36(6): 112-118. DOI: 10.13332/j.cnki.jbfu.2014.06.021
作者姓名:张功宝  蔡体久  徐飞
摘    要:以黑龙江省友好国家级自然保护区火烧、放牧和垦殖3 种干扰类型退化森林沼泽湿地为研究对象,应用样地调查法和挖掘法对植物生长指标进行调查,分析不同栽植模式对退化沼泽湿地植被的恢复效果。结果表明:在火烧干扰湿地中,栽植红皮云杉纯林是最好的植被恢复模式,栽植3 年成活率为89%,其他植被恢复模式的树木成活率都很低。在放牧干扰湿地中,红皮云杉纯林、落叶松纯林模式和红皮云杉与落叶松混交林的造林模式恢复效果好,3 年平均成活率分别为94%、79%、85.5%。在垦殖干扰湿地中,栽植红皮云杉、落叶松纯林模式或红皮云杉与落叶松混交林的造林模式恢复效果好,3 年平均成活率分别为92%、85%、83%。沙棘在3 种退化森林湿地中3 年成活率均低于36%,不适合在以上的退化湿地中进行培植。因此,在小兴安岭干扰火烧退化湿地、放牧退化湿地以及垦殖退化湿地植被恢复中,应选择以红皮云杉、落叶松为主的恢复树种。 

关 键 词:退化植被  恢复技术  沼泽湿地  小兴安岭

Restoration techniques of degraded swamp in Xiaoxing'an Mountains,northeastern China
ZHANG Gong-bao,CAI Ti-jiu,XU Fei. Restoration techniques of degraded swamp in Xiaoxing'an Mountains,northeastern China[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2014, 36(6): 112-118. DOI: 10.13332/j.cnki.jbfu.2014.06.021
Authors:ZHANG Gong-bao  CAI Ti-jiu  XU Fei
Affiliation:1 College of Forestry, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin, 150040, P. R. China;
Abstract:In this study, three types of disturbed (fire, grazing and reclamation) degraded swamps wereinvestigated in Youhao National Nature Reserve. To analyze the recovery effect of different plantingsystems applied to degraded swamps, plot investigation method and excavation method were used toinvestigate plant growth index. The results showed that: in fire disturbed swamp, pure spruce (Piceakoraiensis) plantation was the best one among seven planting systems, the survival rate of tree was 89% 3years after planting, and quite low in other planting systems. In grazing disturbed swamp, the recoveryeffect of the afforestation with either pure spruce or pure larch (Larix gmelinii) or mixed larch and spruceforest was satisfactory, and the survival rates of tree were 94%, 79% and 85.5% respectively. In agriculturalreclamation disturbed swamp, the recovery effect of the afforestation with either pure spruce or pure larch ormixed larch and spruce forest was similar to the grazing discurbed swamps with survival rates 92%, 85% and83% respectively. Seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) had lowest survival rates ( 36%) in all thesedisturbed swamps, it is not a suitable species for vegetation recovery in the degraded swamps in this area.Spruce (P. koraiensis) and larch (L. gmelinii) are the recommended species for vegetation recovery in thedegraded swamps in Xiaoxing'an Mountains of northeastern China. 
Keywords:degraded vegetation  restoration technique  swamp  Xiaoxing’an Mountains
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