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引用本文:黄为平 郑晓鹰. 大白菜一代杂种及双亲幼苗的等电聚焦电泳过氧化物同工酶分析[J]. 种子, 1994, 0(3): 13-15
作者姓名:黄为平 郑晓鹰
摘    要:等电聚焦电泳是近些年发展起来的分离蛋白质的有效生化技术.操作简便,分辨率高,电泳条带多而且细,信息量大,利于进行深入细致的研究。该文利用等电聚焦丙烯酰胺电泳方法分析了6个大白菜一代杂种及双亲幼苗的过氧化物同工酶电泳图谱,共分离出十几条酶带,F1杂种与亲本间同工酶图谱均表现出明现差异,特别是A鉴别区内的酶带差异最明显,大多为互补型,是主要鉴别区。进一步研究结果表明,6个大白菜品种均可利用过氧化物同工酶鉴别由自交引起的假杂种。利用这项技术大量开展了这6个品种的商品种子纯度检测工作,同时在田间进行了验证性测定,二者结果基本相符。

关 键 词:大白菜  过氧化物酶同工酶  等电聚焦电泳  纯度鉴定

Peroxidase Isozyme Analysis of F_1 Hybrid and Parent Seedlings in Chinese Cabbage
Huang Weiping, Zheng Xiaoying. Peroxidase Isozyme Analysis of F_1 Hybrid and Parent Seedlings in Chinese Cabbage[J]. Seed, 1994, 0(3): 13-15
Authors:Huang Weiping   Zheng Xiaoying
Affiliation:Beijing Vegetable Research Ceuter 100081
Abstract:Peroxidase isozyme isoeletric focusing electrophoresis was used to identify the differences between the six F1hybrid and their Parent seedlings of Chinese cabbage. The results showed that the electrophoresis isozyme patterns of all the hybrids are different from that of their parents. We used these differences to test the purty of thesix hybrid cultivars. The purity test reults of electrophoresis were attested to be correct by traditional method fied growing test.The peroxidase isoelectric focusing electrophoresis method is quick, cheap reliable and accurate comparcdwith field growing test method. The paper indicates that the e1ectrophoresis is promising to replace the traditional methed in hybrid purity test of Chinese cabbage.
Keywords:Chinese cabbage Peroxidase isozyme Isoelectric focusing electrophoresis Hybrid Purity
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