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引用本文:樊 军,邵明安,王全九. 黄土区参考作物蒸散量多种计算方法的比较研究(简报)[J]. 农业工程学报, 2008, 24(3): 98-102
作者姓名:樊 军  邵明安  王全九
作者单位:1. 西北农林科技大学水土保持研究所,杨凌712100;中国科学院水利部水土保持研究所黄土高原土壤侵蚀与旱地农业国家重点实验室,杨凌712100
2. 中国科学院水利部水土保持研究所黄土高原土壤侵蚀与旱地农业国家重点实验室,杨凌,712100
基金项目:中国科学院"西部之光"人才培养计划 , 西北农林科技大学校科研和教改项目 , 国家自然科学基金
摘    要:参考作物蒸散量的计算公式大多存在地域性限制,分析其应用情况能够反映这些公式在中国部分地区的应用前景.该文根据1996~2000年陕西省榆林、延安与西安三站的逐日气象资料,以FAO推荐的Penman-Monteith方法为标准, 对计算参考作物蒸散量的10种方法进行比较.线性回归,平方根误差与平均偏差方法检验的结果显示:Penman系列方法之间关系密切,Kimberly PM-72方法最好.不同方法之间在夏季的差异较大,春秋季较小.在需要数据较少的方法中Privstley-Taylor方法接近penman-Monteith方法.FAO-Rad、FAO-BC、Hargreaves与Makkink4种方法与其差异明显,而且存在地域差异.在本区应用这些方法时需要对其参数进行适当调整,以适应当地的气象条件.

关 键 词:参考作物蒸散量  计算方法  Penman-Monteith方法  黄土高原

Comparison of many equations for calculating reference evapotranspiration in the Loess Plateau of China
Fan Jun,Shao Mingan and Wang QuanJiu. Comparison of many equations for calculating reference evapotranspiration in the Loess Plateau of China[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2008, 24(3): 98-102
Authors:Fan Jun  Shao Mingan  Wang QuanJiu
Affiliation:1.The Institute of Soil and Water Conservation,Northwest A,1.The Institute of Soil and Water Conservation,Northwest A and State Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Dryland Farming on the Loess Plateau,the Institute of Soil and Water Conservation,CAS and MWR Yangling 712100,China
Abstract:Although several empirical or semi-empirical equations have been proposed to estimate the reference evapotranspiration (ET0), most of them were developed under specific conditions and, generally, cannot be applied under situations different from those under which they were originally developed. The applications of these equations in China should be studied. ET0 was calculated using ten different equations and data were collected from the Loess Plateau. The Penman-Monteith equation was used as a standard to be compared with the other equations for estimating ET0. The results of linear regression, using root mean squared error and mean bias error approaches show that there are good correlations among Penman type equations and that the best relationship was obtained between the Penman-Monteith and Kimberly Penman-72. The differences between those equations are larger in summer than that in spring and autumn. The Priestley-Taylor equation gave the best ET0 estimate among the simple equations, while the FAO-Rad, FAO Blaney-Criddle, Hargreaves and Makkink methods either overestimated or underestimated ET0 when compared with Penman-Monteith. Differences among those methods were also due to dependence on location. Therefore, the empirical parameters of those equations should be changed before being used in given local stations.
Keywords:reference evapotranspiration   calculation methods   Penman-Monteith equation   the Loess Plateau.
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