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引用本文:鲁永新,杨海抒,杨永生,张中平. 楚雄州野生食用菌气候生境分析[J]. 中国农学通报, 2015, 31(6): 172-179. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb14100059
作者姓名:鲁永新  杨海抒  杨永生  张中平
摘    要:楚雄州是云南中部典型的低纬高原亚热带半干旱季风气候影响区。境内气候立体性强、光热资源丰富、干湿分明、雨季降水适中,为野生食用菌生长提供了优质的气候生境。为揭示楚雄州优质的野生食用菌气候生境与云南全省和中国全国部分野生食用菌产地的气候差异性,选取了云南125个县及中国部分野生食用菌产地的气温、地温、降水、日照、湿度(5—10月)和海拔高度,做多因子影响的主成分分析、干燥度计算和单因子分析,最后在ArcGIS平台上做IDW插值。结果得出:楚雄州野生食用菌菌丝体向子实体过渡初期光、热量充足、干湿转换明显,子实体收获盛期热量和降水适中,且变幅小,昼夜温差大、晴雨交错,光照和湿度适当(即5、6、7—9月平均气温20、21、20℃,降水量80、150、480 mm,相对湿度67%、77%、83%,日照时数220、160、380 h)。野生食用菌气候生境与云南野生食用菌品种最丰富、产量最高的区域有极好对应关系。同时还验证了主成分析法在低纬高原地区以气温、地温、降水量、日照时数、相对湿度和海拔高度为影响因子做作物生长气候生境分析的可靠性和实用性。

关 键 词:水杨酸  水杨酸  高温  低温  根系活力  根系形态指标  

Analysis of Climate Habitat of Wild Edible Fungi in Chuxiong Prefecture
Lu Yongxin,Yang Haishu,Yang Yongsheng and Zhang Zhongping. Analysis of Climate Habitat of Wild Edible Fungi in Chuxiong Prefecture[J]. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2015, 31(6): 172-179. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb14100059
Authors:Lu Yongxin  Yang Haishu  Yang Yongsheng  Zhang Zhongping
Affiliation:(;1.Chxiong Meteorological Bureau, Chuxiong Yunnan 675000;2.Chuxiong Agricultural Bureau, Chuxiong Yunnan 675000;3.Chuxiong Agricultural Science Institute ,Chuxiong Yunnan 675000)
Abstract:Chuxiong is a typical low-latitude plateau semi-arid subtropical monsoon climate zone in central Yunnan. It has strong climate tridimensional character, rich light and heat resources, obvious wet and dry seasons, moderate rainfall during the rainy season, and provides high quality habitat for wild edible fungi. In order to reveal the climate difference between Chuxiong and other wild edible fungi zones of Yunnan Province and the country, the author selected air temperature, ground temperature, precipitation, sunshine, humidity (from May to October) and altitude from 125 counties in Yunnan and some wild edible fungi zones of the country, and conducted the principal component analysis of multiple-factor influence, calculation of the dryness and single factor analysis, then made an interpolation with ArcGIS. The results showed that during the initial transition stage of wild edible fungi mycelium to a fruiting body, Chuxiong had enough light and heat and an obvious dry-wet conversion. The harvest stage of fruiting body had a moderate heat and rainfall with a small amplitude of variation, large temperature difference between day and night, a counterchange of sunny and rainy and a moderate light and humidity (during May, June, July to September, the average temperature were 20, 21, 20℃, the precipitation were 80, 150, 480 mm, the relative humidity were 67%, 77%, 83% and the sunshine duration were 220, 160, 380 h). There was a good corresponding relationship between the habitat and the high richness and yield in Yunnan wild edible fungi zone. The results also verified the reliability and practicability of using principal component analysis to analyze the climate and habitat in low-latitude plateau with air temperature, ground temperature, precipitation, sunshine, relative humidity and altitude as influencing factors.
Keywords:Chuxiong prefecture   monsoon climate   wild edible fungi   principal component analysis   dryness   IDW interpolation
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