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引用本文:王梅,徐正茹,吴永华,许宏刚. 兰州市园林缀花地被植物种类及应用研究[J]. 甘肃林业科技, 2011, 36(3): 32-37. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-0960.2011.03.008
作者姓名:王梅  徐正茹  吴永华  许宏刚
作者单位:兰州市园林科学研究所,甘肃 兰州,730070
摘    要:通过对兰州市近郊四区道路绿地,街头绿地、小游园、公园、单位庭院绿地等不同类型绿地中的地被植物种类及其应用进行调查和分析研究.结果表明:兰州市园林缀花地被植物中,常见种类共110种,隶属于28属42科,较多的科有菊科、百合科、鸢尾科、蔷薇科、毛茛科、禾本科、石竹科,占总数的53.6%;根据生态习性分为:全光型地被、疏荫型...

关 键 词:园林缀花地被植物  种类  园林应用  兰州

Study on Species and Application of Ornamental Ground Cover Plants of Lanzhou City
WANG Mei,XU Zheng-ru,WU Yong-hua,XU Hong-gang. Study on Species and Application of Ornamental Ground Cover Plants of Lanzhou City[J]. Journal of Gansu Forestry Science and Technology, 2011, 36(3): 32-37. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-0960.2011.03.008
Authors:WANG Mei  XU Zheng-ru  WU Yong-hua  XU Hong-gang
Affiliation:WANG Mei,XU Zheng-ru,WU Yong-hua,XU Hong-gang(Lanzhou Institute of Garden Science,Lanzhou 730070,China)
Abstract:Based on the investigation and analysis,study was conducted on different types of ground cover plants species and their application for green space attached to urban road and square,roadside green space,petty street gar-den,park and green space of unit courtyard in four suburban areas of Lanzhou city.The results showed that: there were 110 common species of ornamental ground cover plants in Lanzhou city,which belonged to 28 genera,42 families.A-mong these families,Compositate,Liliaceous,Iridaceae,Rosaceae,R...
Keywords:ornamental ground cover plants  species  garden application  Lanzhou  
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