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引用本文:阎振立,张顺妮,过国南,马庆州,李玉萍,赵锁印. 苹果新品种——早红的选育[J]. 果树学报, 2007, 24(2): 248-249,F0002
作者姓名:阎振立  张顺妮  过国南  马庆州  李玉萍  赵锁印
作者单位:1. 中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所,郑州,450009
2. 郑州市农林科学研究所,郑州,450057
3. 河南省灵宝市园艺局,河南灵宝,472500
摘    要:早红是从意大利引进的嘎拉自然杂交种中选育出的一个早中熟优良品种。该品种果实近圆锥形,平均单果质量223g,果实底色绿黄,果面鲜红色,鲜艳光洁;果肉细、松脆、汁多,风味酸甜适度、有香味,可溶性固形物含量为12.8%,果肉硬度为7.1kg/cm2,品质上等。郑州地区果实8月上旬成熟,冷藏条件下,可贮藏30d左右。该品种生长势强,易形成短果枝,早果、丰产,可在嘎拉品种适栽区栽培。

关 键 词:苹果  新品种  早红  早中熟

Breeding report on new apple cultivar, Zaohong
YAN Zhen-li,ZHANG Shun-ni,GUO Guo-nan,MA Qing-zhou,LI Yu-ping,ZHAO Suo-yin. Breeding report on new apple cultivar, Zaohong[J]. Journal of Fruit Science, 2007, 24(2): 248-249,F0002
Authors:YAN Zhen-li  ZHANG Shun-ni  GUO Guo-nan  MA Qing-zhou  LI Yu-ping  ZHAO Suo-yin
Affiliation:1.Zhengzhou Fruit Research Institute CAAS, Henna Zhengzhou, Henan 450009; 2.Zhengzhou Agricultural and Forstry Research Institute, Zhengzhou, Henan 450057; Department of Horticulture, Lingboo municipality, Lingboo,Henan 472500 China
Abstract:Zaohong is a new early-mid season apple cultivar,derived from the open pollinated seedlings of Gala cultivar,which was introduced from Italy.Fruit is nearly conic in shape,with a green-yellow skin covered by clean bright red blush,weighing 223 g on average.The flesh is fine,crisp and juicy,with a soluble solids content of 12.8%;flesh hardness is 7.1 kg/cm2 flavor is sweet with moderate tart,of a very good eating quality.It ripens in early August in Zhengzhou area.It could be stored for 30 days under the cold storage.The trees are vigorous,easily form short-bearing branches,precocious and very productive,suitable to be grown in the area where the Gala has been planted.
Keywords:Apple  New cultivar  Zaohong  Early-mid season
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