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Distribution and density of cysticerci of Taenia solium by muscle groups and organs in naturally infected local finished pigs in Tanzania
Authors:Boa M E  Kassuku A A  Willingham A L  Keyyu J D  Phiri I K  Nansen P
Affiliation:Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Parasitology, Sokoine University of Agriculture, P.O. Box 3019, Morogoro, Tanzania. workinggroup_2000@yahoo.com
The distribution and density of cysticerci of Taenia solium among distinct carcass sites was determined in 24 naturally infected finished pigs from Mbulu district, Tanzania. The heart, tongue, internal and external masseters, triceps brachii, lungs, liver, kidneys, psoas, diaphragm and brain of each pig as well as the muscles from the forelimb, hind limb, abdomen, head and thorax from one half of each pig carcass were all designated as distinct carcass sites and sliced in such a way that all fully developed cysts could be revealed and enumerated (i.e. each slice was less than 0.5 cm thick). The carcasses harboured from 76 to 80,340 cysts in total. Carcass sites which harboured the highest proportion of cysts were those of the hind and forelimbs (mean: 27.7 and 24.5%, respectively, of the total cysts in the carcass), while lower proportions were found in the tongue, heart, triceps brachii, and diaphragm (7, 3.6, 2 and 2, respectively). Relative cyst density was calculated for the different carcass sites by dividing the mean proportion of the total weight of the tissue groups into the mean proportion of cysts located in that site. The cysticerci in the examined distinct carcass sites were found in the following order of relative density: psoas muscles (10.5), internal masseter (8.1), external masseter (7.1), triceps brachii (4.9), forelimb (4.0), head muscles (3.8), tongue (3.4), hind limb (3.2), diaphragm (2.4), heart (1.9), abdominal muscles (1.3), trunk muscles (1.1), brain (1.0) and oesophagus (0.3). The proportion of cysts expected to be found at the surfaces exposed by visual examination or incision at meat inspection was calculated using an indirect method, which incorporated the area revealed by incision and visual inspection of an organ and the proportion of cysts located in the particular organ. It was estimated that 10.6% of the cysts would be located at inspected sites if regulations were followed carefully.
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