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引用本文:王先炜,刘会香,靳勇,谢玉,石义华,刘振宇. 几种药剂对石榴疮痂病的防治[J]. 中国森林病虫, 2004, 23(3): 27-29
作者姓名:王先炜  刘会香  靳勇  谢玉  石义华  刘振宇
作者单位:1. 枣庄市薛城林业局,山东,枣庄,277000
2. 山东农业大学植保学院,山东,泰安,271018;中国林科院森林环境与保护研究所,北京,10091
3. 枣庄市薛城区南常乡林业站,山东,枣庄,277000
4. 山东农业大学植保学院,山东,泰安,271018
基金项目:山东省科技厅资助项目“无公害石榴主要枝干病害系统治理技术研究与开发示范”( 0 2 2 0 10 10 7)
摘    要:在山东枣庄石榴疮痂病Dothiorella sp.是石榴枝干、果实上一种新发生的严重病害,用不同药剂、不同施药方法和施药时间对其进行了防治。结果表明,35%百菌敌5倍液于春季(4月上旬)轻刮涂刷枝干上的病斑,效果最好;防治果斑试验,以50%多菌灵WP500倍液效果最好,防治时间为6月上旬、中旬、7月上旬3次。

关 键 词:石榴疮痂病  药剂防治  百菌敌  多菌灵

Germicides control against pomegranate scab
WANG Xian-wei,et al.. Germicides control against pomegranate scab[J]. Forest Pest and Disease, 2004, 23(3): 27-29
Authors:WANG Xian-wei  et al.
Abstract:Pomegranate scab was a serious disease occurring in the trunk and fruit of pomegranate tree.Different germicides,different using ways and times against the disease were studied.The result showed that the best germicide was 35% Baijundi diluting 5 times by painting the trunks in spring(the first ten days of April),the effective method was gently scrape and brush the spots.The results of control the fruit spots indicated that the best effect method was spray 50% Carbendazim WP diluting 500 times on fruits for three times and optimum time was about the first and middle ten days of June,and the first ten days of July.
Keywords:pomegranate scab  germicide control  baijundi  carbendazim
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