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引用本文:刘大维,孙海霞,董振国,严天一,陈焕明,陈秉聪. 半挂牵引车车架异常断裂原因分析[J]. 农业机械学报, 2007, 38(6): 30-33
作者姓名:刘大维  孙海霞  董振国  严天一  陈焕明  陈秉聪
作者单位:1. 青岛大学车辆工程系,266071,青岛市
2. 无锡博世柴油机系统股份有限公司,214000,江苏省无锡市
3. 青岛大学车辆与交通工程研究中心
摘    要:建立了以板壳单元为基本单元的半挂牵引车车架有限元分析模型,针对半挂牵引车在使用过程中车架异常断裂问题,应用NASTRAN有限元分析软件对车架强度进行了静态及模态分析。有限元分析结果表明,车架断裂现象是由于第4横梁与纵梁连接铆钉处和侧翼板前部的第1个铆钉连接处,应力值已大于或接近材料的最小屈服强度,及在该处出现较大的交变应力而产生的。有限元计算结果与实车车架断裂结果相吻合,证明所采取的建模方法和分析方法是可行的。根据实际工艺要求,给出了该车架结构的改造方法,实际改造结果表明改造方法是非常有效的,断裂区的强度有明显提高。与原结构相比,在弯曲和扭转工况下,最大应力值分别下降38%和57%。

关 键 词:半挂牵引车  车架  断裂  有限元分析

Analysis On the Causes Of Frame Abnormal Rupture in Semi-trailer
Liu Dawei,Sun Haixia,Dong Zhenguo,Yan Tianyi,Chen Huanming,Chen Bingcong. Analysis On the Causes Of Frame Abnormal Rupture in Semi-trailer[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery, 2007, 38(6): 30-33
Authors:Liu Dawei  Sun Haixia  Dong Zhenguo  Yan Tianyi  Chen Huanming  Chen Bingcong
Affiliation:1.Qingdao University 2.Robert Bosch China Diesel
Abstract:The FEA model of a semi-trailer frame was established by taking plate as a basic element. In order to find out the reasons of the frame abnormal rupture, both static analysis and modal analysis were carried out by using the NASTRAN FEAS software. The results of FEA showed that the rivet which connected the forth cross rail and side rail and the first rivet in front of the side wing plate had high alternate stress and stress value which was higher than or close to the yield strength of the material. The calculation results gave the causes of the frame abnormal rupture and accorded with those of the frame abnormal rupture in practice, which verified that the finite element model and analysis method were practical. According to the requirements of real process, the way for the reconstruction of the frame structure was also given, which was proved effective by the reconstruction results. The strength of the rupture parts was higher than the original and the maximal stress value decreased 38% and 57% in bending case and twisting case respectively.
Keywords:Semi-trailer   Frame   Fracture   Finite element analysis
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