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引用本文:刘义富;卢义宣;辜琼瑶;郭咏梅;奎丽梅;涂 建;刘晓利. 环境条件对水稻籼型软米品种粒形的影响*[J]. 云南农业大学学报(自然科学版), 2007, 22(5): 623-626
作者姓名:刘义富;卢义宣;辜琼瑶;郭咏梅;奎丽梅;涂 建;刘晓利
作者单位:云南农业大学农学与生物技术学院,云南省农业科学院粮作所,云南省农业科学院粮作所,云南省农业科学院粮作所,云南省农业科学院粮作所,云南省农业科学院粮作所,云南省农业科学院粮作所 云南昆明650201,云南省农业科学院粮作所,云南昆明650205,云南昆明650205,云南昆明650205,云南昆明650205,云南昆明650205,云南昆明650205,云南昆明650205
摘    要: 将毫木西等15个软米品种和11个对照品种分别种植于德宏和水富两地,研究软米的粒形在不同的环境条件下的变化。结果表明,软米粒形受环境的影响与粘米和糯米不同。软米的粒长在不同的环境下的变化未达显著水平;粒宽和长宽比都达到了极显著水平。不同的软米品种粒形受环境影响的程度不一,从而可选出粒形变化较小的品种。本试验选出了粒形在不同环境条件下变化较小的毫木占、毫磨牙、八宝米3个软米品种,可作为软米杂交稻品质育种的亲本材料。

关 键 词:软米  粒形  长宽比  粒长  粒宽

The Effect of Environment Condition on the Grain Shape of Soft Rice(Indica)
LIU Yi-fu,LU Yi-xuan,GU Qiong-yao,GUO Yong-mei,KUI Li-mei,TU Jian,LIU Xiao-li. The Effect of Environment Condition on the Grain Shape of Soft Rice(Indica)[J]. Journal of Yunnan Agricultural University, 2007, 22(5): 623-626
Authors:LIU Yi-fu  LU Yi-xuan  GU Qiong-yao  GUO Yong-mei  KUI Li-mei  TU Jian  LIU Xiao-li
Affiliation:Faculty of Agronomy and Biotechnology, Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming 650201, China; Food Crops Institute,Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Kunming 650205, China
Abstract:Planting 15 varieties of indica soft rice and 11 varieties of comparison,researching the variety of grain shape in different area.The result indicated that the effect of the environment condition to soft rice grain shape is different as rigid rice and sticky rice.In different area,the variety of grain length of soft rice is not significant and the variety of grain width,ratio of length to width is significant at 1 percent.It can select varieties with less variation of grain shape under different environment for different varieties were affected by the environment is inconsistent.Based on this experiment,hao mu xi,hao mo ya and ba bao mi possessed the trait that the effect of the environment condition to grain shape is not significant and they can be used as the parents of soft hybrid rice in breeding of quality.
Keywords:soft rice  grain shape  ratio of length to width  grain length  grain width
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