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引用本文:李恂,何慎,周洪舟,王华龙,周雪芬,曹罕升,刘娟娟,罗小平. 北美橡树嫁接育苗试验[J]. 湖南林业科技, 2019, 0(4): 32-35
作者姓名:李恂  何慎  周洪舟  王华龙  周雪芬  曹罕升  刘娟娟  罗小平
摘    要:采集适合湘南地区栽培的北方红栎、猩红栎、娜塔栎、沼生栗栎和柳栎等北美橡树品种的枝条作为接穗,以麻栎实生苗为砧木,开展北美橡树嫁接育苗试验。试验结果为:就嫁接成活率而言,北方红栎的最高,为99.34%;其次是猩红栎的,为98.14%;沼生栗栎和柳栎的分别为94.15%和92.86%;娜塔栎的最低,为76.09%;各品种嫁接成活率排序为北方红栎>猩红栎>沼生栗栎>柳栎>娜塔栎。就保存率而言,北方红栎的最高,为89.40%;其次是柳栎的,为71.79%;沼生栗栎和猩红栎的分别为39.13%和32.28%;娜塔栎的最低,为29.29%;各品种嫁接苗保存率排序为北方红栎>柳栎>沼生栗栎>猩红栎>娜塔栎。不同北美橡树品种间苗高、地径均存在显著差异。就苗高而言,猩红栎及娜塔栎的较高,猩红栎的为149.08cm,娜塔栎的为140.88cm,两者间无显著性差异;北方红栎、沼生栗栎、柳栎的较低,北方红栎的为106.44cm,沼生栗栎的为95.20cm,柳栎的为110.00cm,且三者苗高生长均显著劣于猩红栎及娜塔莉。就地径而言,北方红栎的最大,为16.36mm,且显著优于其他品种;猩红栎与娜塔栎间无显著差异,其地径分别为13.28mm和11.87mm;沼生栗栎与柳栎间无显著差异,其地径分别为9.17mm和8.77mm,且两者均显著劣于其他品种。

关 键 词:北美橡树  麻栎  嫁接  成活率  保存率  生长量

Experiment on grafting and seedling of north amerian oak
LI Xun,HE Shen,ZHOU Hongzhou,WANG Hualong,ZHOU Xuefen,CAO Hansheng,LIU Juanjuan,LUO Xiaoping. Experiment on grafting and seedling of north amerian oak[J]. Hunan Forestry Science & Technology, 2019, 0(4): 32-35
Authors:LI Xun  HE Shen  ZHOU Hongzhou  WANG Hualong  ZHOU Xuefen  CAO Hansheng  LIU Juanjuan  LUO Xiaoping
Affiliation:(Chenzhou Institute of Forestry,Chenzhou 423000,China)
Abstract:The suitable varieties of north american oak,Quercus rubra L.,Quercus coccinea Muenchhausen,Quercus nuttallii Palmer,Quercus palustris and Quercus phellos L were selected as scions for grafting experiments on Quercus acutissima rootstocks in southern Hunan Province.The results showed that the survival rate of grafting from high to low was Q.rubra L.,Q.coccinea Muenchhausen,Q.palustris,Q.phellos L and Q.nuttallii Palmer,reached 99.34%,98.14%,94.15%,92.86% and 76.09%,respectively.The preservation rate from high to low was Q.rubra L.,Q.phellos L,Q.palustris,Q.coccinea Muenchhausen and Q.nutiallii Palmer,reached 89.4%,71.79%,39.13%,32.28% and 29.29% respectively.There were significant differences in tree height and ground diameter among different north american oak varieties.The tree height of Q.coccinea Muenchhausen and Q.nuttallii Palmer,reached 149.08 cm and 140.88 cm,which were significant better than Q.rubra L.,Q.palustris and Q.phellos L which reached 106.44 cm,95.20 cm and 110.00 cm,respectively.The ground diameter of Q.rubra L.was the largest,which was 16.36 mm,and was significantly better than other varieties.There was no significant difference in ground diameter between Q.coccinea Muenchhausen and Q.nuttallii Palmer,which were 13.28 mm and 11.87 mm,respectively.There was no significant difference in ground diameter between Q.palustris and Q.phellos L which were 9.17 mm and 8.77 mm,and both varieties were significantly inferior to other varieties.
Keywords:north american oak  Quercus acutissima  grafting  survival rate  preservation rate  growth
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