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Evaluation of low-molecular-weight heparin for the prevention of equine laminitis after colic surgery
Authors:Geoffroy de la Rebiè  re de Pouyade,DVM,MSc,   Sigrid Grulke,DVM,PhD,DECVS,   Johann Detilleux,DVM,MSc,PhD,DECVPH,   Alexandra Salciccia,DVM,MSc,   Denis R. Verwilghen,DVM,MSc,   Isabelle Caudron,DVM,PhD,DECVS,   Monika Gangl,MV,MSc,DECVS,  Didier D.A. Serteyn,DVM,PhD,DECVA
Affiliation:Department of Clinical Sciences, Large Animal Surgery, University of Liège, Sart Tilman, 4000 Liège, Belgium;, and Department of Animal Productions, Quantitative Genetic, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine B43, University of Liège, Sart Tilman, 4000 Liège, Belgium
Abstract:Objectives – The aim of this study is to describe the prevalence of postoperative laminitis in colic cases and to determine if low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) is effective in preventing this complication.
Design – Retrospective clinical study.
Animals – Client-owned horses.
Interventions – SC administration of enoxaparin during the postoperative period.
Measurements and Main Results – Medical records of 360 horses undergoing surgery for colic and surviving at least 3 days were evaluated. Fifty-six horses admitted before 1995 did not receive LMWH (control group) and 304 admitted after 1995 received LMWH as a prophylaxis for laminitis (treatment group). Three grades of severity were defined for laminitis. Prevalence and severity of laminitis were compared between the 2 groups. Several parameters recorded on admission (sex, age, breed, site and nature of the disease, heart rate, PCV, gravity score, and shock score) and the administration of LMWH were tested as risk factors in the development of laminitis in a logistic regression procedure. Prevalence and grade of laminitis were significantly lower in the treatment group. Only the absence of LMWH was recognized as a significant risk factor in the logistic regression model.
Conclusions – The administration of LMWH appears to be effective in the prophylaxis of laminitis following colic surgery and may be useful in the postoperative management of these horses.
Keywords:colic    enoxaparin    fractionated heparin    horses    postoperative intensive care
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