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引用本文:王力荣,王蛟,朱更瑞,方伟超,王新卫,陈昌文,曹珂. 桃若干重要特异性状的遗传趋向分析[J]. 园艺学报, 2017, 44(2): 223-232. DOI: 10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2016-0350
作者姓名:王力荣  王蛟  朱更瑞  方伟超  王新卫  陈昌文  曹珂
作者单位:中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所,郑州 450009
摘    要:为了明确桃树菊花花形、窄叶形、白化与黄化叶色及盘龙形与垂枝形树形等6个性状的遗传特性,以‘粉菊花桃’ב红根甘肃桃1号’、‘红花重瓣垂枝桃’(简称‘红垂枝’)ב粉菊花桃’、‘S9’ב粉菊花桃’、‘粉菊花桃’ב瑞光2号’、‘红珊瑚’×(‘粉菊花桃’ב瑞光2号’)为组合配制F_1和F_2代,研究菊花花形、叶片白化及垂枝树形的遗传特性;以‘98-4-32’ב金蜜狭叶桃’、‘99-7-14’ב金蜜狭叶桃’及‘99-7-15’ב金蜜狭叶桃’为组合配制F_1和F_2代,研究窄叶形遗传趋向;以‘北京2-7’ב白花山碧桃’为组合配制F_1和F_2代,研究叶片黄化遗传特点;以‘红垂枝’ב帚形山桃’及‘96-7-56’ב帚形山桃’为组合配制F_1和F_2代,研究盘龙形树形的遗传。结果表明:在蔷薇花形与菊花花形组合中,"蔷薇形/菊花形"表现出2对等位基因(Ch/ch及Ch_2/ch_2)控制的遗传特性,且蔷薇形对菊花形为显性;在铃形花形与菊花花形组合中,F_1代蔷薇形表现为二者的中间类型。在‘98-4-32’ב金蜜狭叶桃’及‘99-7-14’ב金蜜狭叶桃’组合中,"宽叶/窄叶"表现出2对等位基因(Nl/nl及Nl_2/nl_2)控制的遗传特性,且宽叶对窄叶为显性;在‘99-7-15’ב金蜜狭叶桃’组合中,"宽叶/窄叶"表现出1对等位基因控制的遗传特性。叶片"正常/白化"表现出1对等位基因(Wl/wl)控制的遗传特性,且正常对白化为显性,白化基因可能来自‘粉菊花桃’;叶片"正常/黄化"表现出2对等位基因(Yl/yl及Yl_2/yl_2)控制的遗传特性,其中1对为显性时对另一对具有抑制作用,黄化基因可能来自‘白花山碧桃’。直立树形同时表现为盘龙形与垂枝形及盘龙形与开张形的中间类型;"开张形/垂枝形"表现出1对等位基因(We/we)控制的遗传特性,且开张对垂枝为显性。结论:菊花花形由2对隐性基因(chchch_2ch_2)控制;窄叶形可能由2对隐性基因(nlnlnl_2nl_2)控制;叶片白化由1对隐性基因(wlwl)控制;叶片黄化可能由2对等位基因(Yl_yl_2yl_2或Yl_2_ylyl)控制;仅盘龙形与直立形由1对等位基因(Br_2/br_2)控制,其中盘龙形基因型为br_2br_2;垂枝形由1对隐性基因(wewe)控制。

关 键 词:  特异性状  花形  叶形  叶色  树形

Genetic Analysis of Some Special Traits in Peach
WANG Lirong,WANG Jiao,ZHU Gengrui,FANG Weichao,WANG Xinwei,CHEN Cangwen,CAO Ke. Genetic Analysis of Some Special Traits in Peach[J]. Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2017, 44(2): 223-232. DOI: 10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2016-0350
Authors:WANG Lirong  WANG Jiao  ZHU Gengrui  FANG Weichao  WANG Xinwei  CHEN Cangwen  CAO Ke
Affiliation:Zhengzhou Fruit Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Zhengzhou 450009,China
Abstract:We studied genetic characters of some special peach traits such as chrysanthemum type (shorten chrys),narrow leaf shape,white and yellow leaf,distorted and weeping shape tree,to provide evidence for peach breeding.Chrys trait,leaf white trait and weeping shape were studied by structuring F1 and F2 populations which were derived from crossing of'Fenjuhuatao'×'Honggen Gansutao 1','Hongchuizhi'×'Fenjuhuatao','S9'×'Fenjuhuatao','FenJuhuatao'×'Ruiguang2','Hongshanhu'×('Fenjuhuatao'×'Ruiguang 2').Narrow leaf trait was studied by structuring F1 and F2 populations which derived from crossing between'Jinmi Xiayetao'and'99-7-14','99-7-15','98-4-32'.Leaf yellow trait was studied by structuring F1 and F2 populations which derived from crossing of'Beijing 2-7'×'Baihua Shanbitao'.Distorted shape was studied by structuring F1 and F2 populations which derived from crossing of'Hongchuizhi'×'Zhouxing Shantao'and'96-7-56'×'Zhouxing Shantao'.The result as follow:in crossof'Fenjuhuatao'×'HonggenGansutao 1','Hongchuizhi'×'Fenjuhuatao','S9'×'Fenjuhuatao'and'Beijing 2-7'×'Fenjuhuatao',there are two pairs of genes (Ch/ch,Ch2/ch2) which control inheritance of "showy/chrys" form trait,and showy is dominant to chrys.But in cross of 'Fenjuhuatao'×'Ruiguang 2',showy displays intermediate trait of nonshowy and chrys.In cross of '99-7-14'×'Jinmi Xiayetao'and'98-4-32'×'Jinmi Xiayetao',"normal/narrow"trait displays inheritance controlled by two pairs of genes (Nl/nl,Nl2/nl2),and normal trait isdominant to narrow,but in cross of '99-7-15'×'Jinmi Xiayetao',the trait is controlled by a single gene.Leaf" normal/white" trait displays inheritance controlled by a single gene (Wl/wl),and normal trait is dominant to white.The recessive gene (wl) probably come from'Fenjuhuatao'.Leaf"normal/yellow" trait displays inheritance controlled by two pairs of genes (Yl/yl,Yl2/yl2),and one of them can be restricted by the other.The recessive gene (yl or yl2) probably come from'Baihua Shanbitao'Upright tree habit displays intermediate trait of "distorted/weeping" shape and "distorted/standard" shape respectively."standard/weeping" trait displays inheritance controlled by a single gene (We/we) in three crosses of standard and weeping trait,and standard trait is dominant to weeping.Conclusion:chrys trait is controlled by two pairs of recessive genes (chchch2ch2).Narrow leaf trait is probably controlled by two pairs of recessive genes (nlnlnl2nl2).Leaf white trait is controlled by two recessive genes (wlwl).Leaf yellow trait is controlled by two pairs of gene (Yl_vl2yl2 or Yl2_ylyl).Only standard,upright and distorted trait is controlled by a single gene (Br2/br2),and distorted trait is controlled by two genes (br2br2).Weeeping trait is controlled by two recessive genes (wewe).
Keywords:peach  special trait  flower shape  leaf shape  leaf colour  tree shape
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