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引用本文:李英年. 高寒草甸地区冷季水分资源及对牧草产量的可能影响[J]. 草业学报, 2001, 10(3): 15-20
基金项目:国家基础研究规划项目 (19980 40 80 0 0 ),中国科学院“九五”重大项目,特别支持项目 (KZ95 T-0 6 ,KZ95 1- A1- 2 0 4,KZ95 1- A 1- 30 1),海北高寒草甸生态系统实验站研究项目资助
摘    要:分析了高寒草甸地区冷季降水和土壤水分资源分布特征及其对牧草产量的可能影响,结果表明,祁连山海北高寒草甸地区冷季降水资源贫乏,但9-10月较高的降水受枯黄植被蒸散量小,植被盖度大的影响,易贮存于土壤,加之地处高寒, 气温低,土壤封冻早,冻结期长,使土壤水分在冬季可以冰晶水的形式留存于土体,从而给来年牧草进入正常营养生长发育阶段提供了水分条件的需求,牧草产量的高代与冷季降水及土壤水分条件有一定的联系性,建立冷季降水与牧草产量间的预报方程,其拟合率高。

关 键 词:高寒草甸地区 冷季降水资源 土壤水分资源 牧草产量

Cold season resource and its effects on herbage production in the alpine meadow region
LI Ying-nian. Cold season resource and its effects on herbage production in the alpine meadow region[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2001, 10(3): 15-20
Authors:LI Ying-nian
Abstract:The influence of cold season precipitation and soil moisture on herbage production in alpine meadow of Qilian mountains was analyzed. The data were collected at Haibei alpine meadow ecosystem research station from 1980 to 1998. The results indicated that the precipitation in the region was insufficiency during cold season. However less evaporation, high vegetation coverage caused soil to preserve water which comes from last September and October mostly. Moreover, low air temperature, early soil freeze and long frozen period keep soil moisture in the form of ice crystal until warm season to meet the plant growth. There is a positive relationship between cold season precipitation, soil moisture condition and herbage production. Using analysis, we established a model to predict herbage production accurately by data of cold season precipitation.
Keywords:alpine meadow region  natural resources of cold season precipitation  natural resources of soil moisture  herbage production
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