滨州市“7.18”暴雨的成因分析 |
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引用本文: | 王培涛,任钟冬,赵坤,张昊. 滨州市“7.18”暴雨的成因分析[J]. 安徽农学通报, 2010, 16(11): 246-248 |
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作者姓名: | 王培涛 任钟冬 赵坤 张昊 |
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作者单位: | 滨州市气象局,山东滨州,256612 |
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摘 要: | 利用常规气象观测分析资料和多普勒天气雷达资料,从大尺度环境、物理量场和多普勒雷达资料方面,对2007年7月18日发生在滨州市的一次暴雨过程进行分析,结果表明:本次暴雨是高空冷空气、低空切变线和地面倒槽共同影响造成的,是一次较典型的稳定纬向型暴雨。副高边缘西南低空急流、雷达回波径向速度场上的逆风区和中尺度辐合线以及垂直风廓线产品上的低层暖平流等对判断暴雨有较强的指示作用。
关 键 词: | 暴雨 低空急流 切变线 倒槽 垂直风廓线 |
Cause Analysis of the "7.18" Heavy Rainfall Event in Binzhou city |
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Affiliation: | Wang Peitao et al. ( Binzhou Meteorological Bureau of Shandong Province,Binzhou 256612,China) |
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Abstract: | With the conventional meteorological observation data and Doppler radar data,the heavy rainfall which occurred in Binzhou on July 18,2007,is analyzed in view of the aspects of large-scale circulation,multiple physical indexes and Doppler radar data. The result indicated: the cold air as well as the low altitude shear and the ground inverted trough were mainly responsible for this heavy rainfall. It was a typical stable latitudinal heavy rain. Southwestern low-level jet around the border of subtropical high,adverse wind area in Doppler velocity field,the mesoscale convergence line and the warm advection at lower levels in Doppler vertical wind profile field are significant in heavy rain forecast. |
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Keywords: | Heavy rainfall Low - level jet Shear line Inverted trough Vertical wind profile |
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